If you’re experiencing a life-threatening condition, call 911 right away.
If you are seeking care for cough, cold, flu, fever or other respiratory symptoms start an eVisit or Virtual Visit online before seeking care in person. For help call 704-512-5700.
Get in-person care for unexpected illnesses and minor injuries.
For serious medical emergencies, our emergency rooms are open 24/7 and staffed by providers board-certified in emergency medicine.
Have a secure, face-to-face video chat with a trusted provider, 24/7. $49 per visit.
Get care through a secure message for minor illnesses like flu or cold. $35 per visit.
Compare your options and find the right care based on your symptoms.
We also have an emergency department dedicated to children, providing access to specialized pediatric care in a family friendly environment. If you need to reach the Children’s Emergency Department directly, call 704-446-KIDS (5437). If your child has come into contact with or swallowed a poisonous substance, call Poison Control at 800-222-1222.
* Must be in North Carolina or South Carolina at the time of visit. Learn more.
** eVisit is for current Atrium Health patients only through MyAtriumHealth. Must be in North Carolina at the time of visit. Learn more.