Atrium Health Logo

Filled with light

Where each and every heartbeat begins


Where diverse thinkers come together

And connections are made


Working with partners to build something new

To better more lives

Bringing health, hope and healing


It will remain convenient and easy to access all services, facilities, and physicians during our transition from Carolinas HealthCare System to Atrium Health. With that, we understand you may have some general questions:

Our vision is to be the first and best choice for care. It’s important to have a name that doesn’t limit us to a specific geographic area. Atrium Health allows us to do that and exemplifies our long-standing commitment to what everyone deserves – compassionate, world-class care. Our name may be changing, but the heart of who we are remains the same.

Our mission is to deliver health – for all, beyond our walls and geographical borders.

We went through a deliberate process, including evaluating more than one hundred names and conducting consumer research on a few of them. We narrowed it to one to find a name that captures the heart of who we are and who we have always been.

Atrium Health allows us to grow and impact as many lives as possible and deliver solutions that help communities thrive.

Atrium: A place
Filled with light
Where each and every heartbeat begins
Where connections are made
Bringing health, hope and healing

Our Tree of Life is very recognizable and deeply rooted in our community and with our teammates. It was important to keep it as part of our new logo, but give it a modern look with more rounded corners. This is actually the third version of the Tree of Life. And, here’s a fun fact about the new logo: the dot in the “i" in “Atrium Health” is a leaf.

For a system our size, there are a lot of details that go into a name change – from email addresses to building signage. It’s going to take some time to switch over to the new name. We expect it to take about two years for the change to be complete.

Our goal is to have a seamless transition for our patients. Besides a new name, our patients should not notice a difference. The delivery of care will remain the same. Our patients will continue to receive the best, quality care as they always have from us. It will take time for us to change to our new name in all areas, including the signs at our buildings and billing statements.

While we are reintroducing our organization under a new name, we remain as committed as ever to our patients and teammates. In fact, as Atrium Health, we have the opportunity to impact even more lives. So, all of our employees will continue doing what we do best – providing health, hope and healing for all. Together we are looking at our brightest future yet.

Carolinas HealthCare System
is now Atrium Health

On February 7, 2018, we proudly announced that Carolinas HealthCare System is Atrium Health. Learn more about our new name, what we decided was important to keep, and how we arrived at this moment in our organization’s history.