Family Health, Your Health Lindsay Guinaugh | 9 years ago

Try Nuts for Seasonal Allergies. It's Not as Nuts as It Sounds.

For many, the beauty of spring in the Carolinas brings with it a high dose of misery in the form of seasonal allergies. While medication can help, there's also evidence that including nuts in your diet can relieve certain allergy symptoms.

“The very best way to manage seasonal allergies is to work with your primary care doctor to develop the best treatment for you,” said Brittany Baird, DO, of Union Family Practice, part of Carolinas HealthCare System. “There are so many good treatments available, and your doctor really can help you manage what is a pretty miserable time for allergy sufferers. Diet also plays a role in managing symptoms.” As with most health conditions, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet – lots of fresh fruits and vegetables; lower amounts of sodium, sugar and fat – can help you control or avoid flair-ups. Seasonal allergies are no different. But, are there specific foods that can help fight the symptoms of seasonal allergies (runny nose and itchy, watery eyes)? According to Dr. Baird, now is the time to consider taking a close look at your diet. “Studies show a diet high in antioxidants and omega-3s can help ease suffering of seasonal allergies,” she said. Because allergies cause inflammation of the tissues lining the nose and throat, foods that help decrease the inflammation will help you feel better.

Two nuts are packed with magnesium and vitamin E, which help boost immunity and protect the body from inflammation: walnuts and pecans.

“Tree nuts are fairly high in fat,” said Dr. Baird. “But adding them to cereals and salads is a great way to take advantage of their nutrients without overindulging.” Carolinas HealthCare System is committed to making it easy to keep you and your family healthy. To learn more about how we make health easy for you, visit CarolinasHealthCare/CareMadeEasy.