News Lindsay Guinaugh | 8 years ago

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Does Wonders For Patient


Many who could benefit from wound care don’t know about it. Learn about the latest treatment for hard-to-heal wounds.

Nearly 6 million Americans suffer from wounds that do not heal properly. Complications from diabetes, poor circulation and traumatic injuries are a few of the most common contributors to chronic wounds. Typically wounds should heal over one to two weeks. If a wound is still not healed after two weeks, you should seek out a qualified specialist to evaluate your condition before it turns into something more serious. One of the most effective and advanced treatment options for patients suffering from chronic wounds is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). HBOT is a medical treatment in which the patient is enclosed in a pressurized chamber where the atmospheric pressure allows them to breathe 100 percent oxygen. The treatment delivers increased oxygen to the body’s tissues, which aides in the healing rate of wounds and has saved limbs.

HBOT Changes Diabetic’s Life

Shyrita Frazier is a wife and mother of two boys, and she also has Type 2 diabetes. In June 2016, Shyrita’s painful and on-going foot problems, due to her diabetes, brought her to the emergency room at Carolinas HealthCare System University. This visit resulted in a treatment recommendation that would change Shyrita’s quality of life significantly. She was referred to Carolinas HealthCare System University Wound Care Center for their innovative wound care treatments. There, Shyrita received HBOT five times a week for eight weeks – totaling 40 treatments in all. The goal of her therapy was to get more oxygen to her wound, in order to kill bacteria, create new blood vessels in the infected area, and ultimately help the wound heal faster. The results were hugely beneficial. “I’m a mom and my health condition is something I am constantly aware of because I can’t stop being a mom. Without their support, I don’t think I’d be able to take care of my family, my home or be able to move forward,” Shyrita says. Since starting HBOT, Shyrita’s wounds have decreased in size by over 50 percent, and she’s experiencing less swelling and improved ingrowth of new skin. All seven of Carolinas HealthCare System Wound Care Centers offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment.