News | 7 years ago

Thanks to Robotics, Knee Replacement Now Less Invasive

Area patients who need knee replacement now have a new and better option.

Carolinas HealthCare System Lincoln has launched an advanced robotics-assisted technology used to perform partial knee arthroplasty. Robotic assistance is designed to optimize accuracy of bone preparation, as well as implant position, for better alignment. "This is a great new option for patients looking for less invasive partial knee replacement," says Ted Parcel, DO, of CMC Orthopaedic Surgery - Lincoln. His colleague, Larry Martin, MD, agrees. "There are some major benefits to using this technology," he says. "More accurate and precise bone resurfacing, patient-specific planning for implants, and a CT-free solution for knee replacement." Because the procedure leads to better outcomes, the doctors say they're also looking forward to utilizing it as an alternative to total knee replacement.