Mental Health Discussion

| 6 years ago

Mental Health in the Workplace - Good for Business

Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace

When Annette Nash, former HR Director for Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. (CEENTA), sat across from a fellow employee – after attending a “Mental Health First Aid” training session -- she realized right then how valuable the session had been. “I was able to use the skills I learned to recognize the symptoms of a significant mental health issue,” she says. “Then I was able to help my colleague remain calm and find help.”

Reducing the Stigma with Training

Nash had recently attended an Employer Solutions Mental Health First Aid training session, which is offered to employers free of charge. This training helps employees and business leaders assist others who may be experiencing mental health difficulties or even a full-blown mental health crisis. The goal of the program is to help participants learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health, addiction concerns and strategies for making fast and appropriate suggestions for help. The course covers anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks, psychotic disorders and substance use disorders.

Mental health professionals estimate that roughly one out of every five American adults will experience a mental health issue in a given year. With more than 43 million people in this category, there is a significant chance these issues will be shown regularly in the workplace.

Unfortunately, the stigma associated with behavioral health hinders open discussion that would benefit employees and employers. Mental Health First Aid programs are a proven way to reduce the stigma and empower more people to identify co-workers who are at-risk.