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Your Health, Men's Health, Women's Health | 6 years ago

New Year's Resolutions for Cancer Survivors: Restore Well-Being

Levine Cancer Institute is here to support people dealing with cancer, helping them translate New Year’s resolutions into year-long habits through clubs, classes and programs, often at little or no cost. 

Editor's Note: This article is part of a mini-series featuring LCI's Cancer Support Programs. Stay tuned for future postings about additional classes offered to support New Year's resolutions.

Resolution #3: Restore Well-being

With so much to manage – treatments, appointments, symptoms – it can seem as though emotional health takes a backseat to physical health. Not necessarily, says Patrick Meadors, PhD, who manages Levine Cancer Institute’s psycho-oncology team. He believes that people undergoing cancer treatments should strive to attain balance in the midst of stress and uncertainty.

The psycho-oncology team can help, Meadors says, in connecting patients with social workers, psychotherapists and psychiatrists. The team offers individual services like supportive counseling, case management and medicine management, as well as 22 support groups throughout the network. Some of the groups are built around types of cancer, while others may have a more general focus.

“Prioritizing your health above all else is so important, but easier said than done when you still have to work, or have a family to look after,” says patient Laura Steelman. To Laura, the key is not facing the struggle alone. “Through LCI, I have one-on-one time with therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, neuropsychiatrists – you name it. They all know me, my story, and more importantly, my name! I’ve also had acupuncture, massages and healing touch therapy. Each program has helped me heal and grow though my experience with cancer.”

Levine Cancer Institute’s resources extend to caregivers and families as well. One program, Kids’ Link, is a camp for children who have parents with cancer. Geared for ages 6 through 12, it teaches kids about cancer, allowing them to understand their emotions and connect with other kids affected by cancer, too.

“The stress of not being able to do even simple tasks like before can get overwhelming,” Laura says. “My favorite reminder is to take things one day at a time, and when that’s difficult, one breath at a time. Always remember that you’re only one person, and to ask for help when you need it.”

New Year’s Resolution Inspiration

  • Remain mindful. Be mindful of the activities, people and things that bring you joy and peace. Intentionality allows you to connect with yourself and others and can bring fullness to your life. It can also help you stay motivated when you need it most.
  • Get enough sleep and rest. Being well-rested allows you to think clearly, cope, and navigate through the cancer journey. If you struggle with insomnia or sleep disturbances, contact LCI about the Sleep 101 program. This program uses cognitive behavioral therapies that have proven effective at restoring sleep patterns. Call 980-442-1006 to learn more.
  • Explore new options. Have you heard about our writing community? Talked to a licensed therapist? Joined a support group? Tried acupuncture, massage, or art and music therapy? These are just some of the many ways that the Cancer Support Programs help to improve well-being and allow you to build a community of support.


Learn more about Levine Cancer Institute's Cancer Support Programs.

Read Below For the Full Collection of Our New Year's Resolutions:

Resolution #1: Eat a Healthy Diet

Resolution #2: Exercise More

Resolution #3: Restore Well-being

Resolution #4: Stay Vigilant About Health