News | 7 years ago

Carolinas HealthCare System is Atrium Health

On February 7, 2018, we proudly announced that Carolinas HealthCare System is Atrium Health. Learn more about our new name, what we decided was important to keep, and how we arrived at this moment in our organization’s history.

Our roots date back to a humble beginning. In 1940, we began as Charlotte Memorial Hospital – a public charity hospital whose doors were open for everyone. Nearly 80 years later, we remain committed to our original mission – now with a new name.

We are humbled and privileged to share with you that Carolinas HealthCare System is Atrium Health.

“Today, I’m proud to say we’re known as one of the nation’s leading healthcare organizations,” Atrium Health President and Chief Executive Officer Gene Woods says. “Whether it’s improving health for vulnerable communities through access to the newest virtual care technology, elevating hope for the parent of a sick child through an innovative cancer treatment, or advancing healing for a patient in our emergency department through integrated behavioral health services, each and every day I have the privilege of witnessing our mission to improve health, elevate hope and advance healing – for all.”

Planting the Seed

Our organization has never shied away from change. Shortly after opening our doors, our leaders helped form the foundation of what would become the U.S. Army’s 38th Evacuation Hospital Unit. This military hospital unit was made up of civilian physicians, nurses and business leaders who felt compelled to serve their country by caring for the sick and injured during World War II.

In the decades that passed, our organization began to blossom. We weathered the storms of change and like a mighty oak, our roots grew deep, reaching even more communities. We became a destination to treat patients who had some of the most severe injuries and complex medical cases – and we did so – providing world-class care with compassion.

We know that providing the best care can no longer be limited to traditional care settings or geographical borders. Wherever there was a need, we rose to face the challenge: cancer; heart care; children’s care; surgery and transplant; behavioral health; rural care. When the scope of medical care began to change, we led the way, helping to transform our communities by keeping them healthy – not just taking care of them when they became sick or injured.  

The Gathering Place

Since our inception, our name has been tied to our region. And during this time, it has been a source of pride for each of the communities we serve. And the Tree of Life, our organization’s most recognizable symbol, is more than just a logo. Because of its seasonal growth and renewal, the Tree of Life symbolizes both the preservation and regeneration of life – principles that have always guided our commitment to our patients.

To undergo a name change, it had to be done so with purpose. We would not consider an evolution of our identity that lacked conviction or vision. Our new name will not change who we are and our vision for our patients, communities and our system – which is to be the first and best choice for care. But it does help provide some clarity in our role as the center of health in the communities we serve.

We know that now is the time to improve health for more people. It’s no secret that healthcare is changing. While we continue to lead the way in developing and delivering transformative methods of care, we are committed now as ever to providing the expert care that everyone deserves.

A New Light

When we started this process, we considered all possibilities. We knew we wanted our brand identity to be something that was rooted in our iconography. We knew that it had to convey both strength and warmth. We knew that it had to be instantly recognizable and easy to remember. Two things became clear through the process: We needed to keep our color, teal, and our Tree of Life – two representations that help define us in our communities.

So, what is Atrium?

  • A place filled with light;
  • Where each and every heartbeat begins;
  • Where connections are made;
  • Bringing health, hope and healing – for all.

Our Journey

See what we looked like when we first opened and how our  identity has evolved through the years.

evolution of our name info-graphic.

Learn more about our name change and make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn over the next several days for more on the announcement.