COVID-19 nurses serve to protect our communities during the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus Updates | 4 years ago

Through Courage and Determination, Nurses Show Unconquerable Spirit Throughout COVID-19 Pandemic

As we start to see more cases of COVID-19 in our communities, our nurses have stepped up to demonstrate exemplary commitment to care for each and every patient who walks through our doors. Here, Maureen Swick, PhD, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Senior Vice President and System Nurse Executive, writes her appreciation to nurses who are on the frontlines during this unprecedented time.

By Maureen Swick, PhD, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Senior Vice President and System Nurse Executive 

Maureen Swick

Courage. Determination. Unconquerable Spirit. 

Over the past weeks and months, we have all been witness to the extraordinary things nurses across the world are doing for their fellow human beings.

We have seen photos of nurses flying to New York to provide relief to the nurses at the latest center of this pandemic. We have seen tired, yet determined faces, covered in red-lined imprints of the masks they wore for their entire shift. We have read stories of nurses volunteering for this work. Those who are not just saying, “If I have to, I will,” but people saying, “I am here. I am ready. Sign me up.” And, sadly, we have mourned colleagues around the world who have lost this fight.

As we continue to navigate this unprecedented crisis, the one word that keeps coming to mind when I think of our Atrium Health teammates – and truly healthcare workers across the globe – is courage. 

Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or dangerous even though they may be afraid.

And courage is what I have seen across our healthcare system. Courage to step into the unknown. Courage to do things differently – from providing more care virtually than we ever have before, to exploring ways to conserve our supply of precious personal protective equipment. Courage to ask questions and make plans so that we are prepared for whatever comes next.

2020 was deemed the Year of the Nurse. And none of us could have predicted the events that are currently taking place. In these times of uncertainly throughout our country, nurses are depended on more than ever. They’re being asked to make sacrifices and spend more time away from family to care for others. The extra effort and dedication being displayed does not go unnoticed. The rest of the world is now seeing what we already know. They’re seeing how crucial nurses are to the health and wellness of our population. Now, more than ever, nurses deserve our respect and appreciation.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for being our courageous heroes and making us Atrium Health Proud.