Family Health, Nutrition and Fitness Lindsay Guinaugh | 9 years ago

5 Fresh Foods Finds

“I’m busy.” We’ve repeated that so often and in so many situations that it’s become a mantra even when it’s not true. It is certainly an excuse many of us use to justify not taking the time to choose healthy foods. Being too busy to eat right today may just prevent you from being active and healthy in the years ahead.

“Eating organic foods is a wise choice,” said Isha Puri Sharma, MD, of Carmel Family Physicians. “The choices we make in our diets have profound effects on our overall health. Taking the extra time to seek out non-processed foods as often as possible is something we should all make time for.” There are ways to track down – and enjoy – fresh foods that taste great and are good for you. 1. Farmers’ Markets – No matter where you live, there are bound to be an assortment of markets selling fresh foods (meats and fish, too!) from local farmers. Not only will visiting these places make you feel better about what you’re eating, it’s a great way to support the local economy. Visit for a directory of pick-your-own farms, roadside markets and farmers’ markets throughout North Carolina. 2. Organic Restaurants – People are asking for more natural, local foods, and many restaurants are working with local farmers to accommodate those requests. “There are so many wonderful nutrients in fresh food. That’s something that you forget when you eat nothing but processed food,” said Dr. Sharma. “Depending on the item, the food you buy at the grocery store has lost up to 50 percent of its nutrients by the time you buy it.” 3. Fish Markets – Fresh fish is a great option when you’re looking for something healthy and delicious to throw on the grill. To ensure you are buying the freshest catch, speak to the folks behind the counter at your favorite grocery store and the chef at your favorite local seafood restaurant. Sometimes, it can be upwards of two weeks between when your dinner is caught and when it’s served. Find out when and where your fish providers are getting their catch and always buy or order what’s fresh and in season. 4. Direct from the Source – Where did you put that rod and reel, anyway? While fish markets are certainly a good choice for fresh, delicious seafood, there’s something to be said for doing the work yourself. Whether you choose an organized fishing trip or you head out in your own boat, bringing home a fresh catch is as rewarding as it is delicious. “Trout, for example, has plenty of lean protein. It can be an essential part of any healthy eating plan,” said Dr. Sharma. “A single 3-ounce filet of trout has 19 grams of protein.” 5. Your Backyard – You don’t have to have a farm to share freshness with your family. A recent survey showed 40 percent of US households now boast vegetable gardens. “Fresh vegetables taste better and save you money,” said Dr. Sharma. “A garden is also a great way to build community. Getting some sun and being social are added perks.”