News, Your Health Stephanie Boothe | 8 years ago

5 Minutes With Dr. Rohit Mehta

Get to know Rohit Mehta, MD, a cardiac electrophysiologist at Carolinas HealthCare System’s Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute.

What inspired you to want to work in healthcare?

My mom. She was an anesthesiologist in India, and when we moved to the US, she had to retrain and she became a family practitioner. Her stories of providing anesthesia for my cousin's birth due to lack of availability of care in her hospital were amazing. That and the sudden death of my grandfather were my driving forces.

What brought you to Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute?

Being close to family (my sister and my parents), and the ability to work with some of the best talent in the country.

What has been your proudest moment while working in healthcare?

Getting the birth announcement for my former patient's daughter. I cared for him while I was a resident at Ohio State and was on call when he got his heart transplant in 1999. We still stay in touch. He is doing well 18 years later, and is married with two kids.

What are some of the innovative ways you and your team are improving heart health and care?

A few come to mind: Partnering with the Omar Carter Charity to slam dunk sudden cardiac arrest. (Omar is one of my patients.) Joining our patients to "Walk with a Doc" once a month to encourage regular exercise. And offering "laser lead extraction" and tracking our outcomes to assist patients with making true informed choices in their care.

What are your top tips for staying healthy?

Be consistent. Wide swings in weight, eating habits or exercise are often as bad as "bad habits." Say no to processed foods and limit meat in your diet – think beans, grains, fruit, vegetables and nuts. Exercise. Even simple "fidgeting" or short walks can help patients live longer.  


A healthy heart lets you stay focused on doing what you love. Learn how Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute can help you keep your heart healthy.