How your little ninja can learn to improve focus, refine self-control, gain confidence, and become disciplined.

Child Health | 6 years ago

5 Ways Martial Arts Can Benefit Children

How your little ninja can learn to improve focus, refine self-control, gain confidence, and become disciplined. 

“The Lego Ninjago Movie” is now in theaters and is on its way to chopping plenty of box office records like previous Lego flicks. So if you’re little block builder comes out of the movie theater ready to kick some butt, here are some great reasons why starting them in a martial arts program can help them find their inner warrior.


Part of martial arts training includes meditation and learning how to be still. Standing still is hard for a child, but the more practice, the more intense the focus can become – for a few seconds anyway!


Martial arts is about always being in control of your body. While students spar against each other, they’re not just learning moves – they’re learning how to control their bodies and exert just the right amount of force so as not to hurt their partner.


Participating in martial arts competitions often requires communicating with judges. This gives young ninjas the confidence to speak up and speak clearly about their intentions. Knowing they can defend themselves in a situation allows them to stand up – either for themselves or others.

Balance, Flexibility and Strength

Want to see what martial arts can do for your child? Challenge them to a running, sit-up or push-up challenge after they’ve been taking classes for a while. You’ll notice a difference when they’re bounding past you!


One of the requirements of a “good ninja” is that they remember to follow instructions. Whether at school, home or in the studio, instructors expect their students to listen to their parents and teachers. “Good ninjas” never have to be told to make their bed twice!