Statements are generated monthly while online balances are updated daily. When a payment has been applied to your account the online balance will be updated and have a different amount than your statement.
You can access financial assistance applications on our website or contact Customer Service.
You can set up a payment plan by clicking on the “Set up a payment plan with AccessOne” option on MyAtriumHealth. You can also request a payment plan by contacting Customer Service through MyAtriumHealth or by phone.
You can provide the insurance details via MyAtriumHealth by attaching a copy of the front and back of your insurance card or by providing the details below to our customer service department through MyAtriumHealth or by phone:
Click on “Your Menu” and choose “Request Family Access.” Please be advised children over the age of 13 will not be able to be accessed by parents or legal guardians due to HIPAA guidelines.
Payments may be mailed to Atrium Health, PO Box 71108, Charlotte, NC 28272-1108. You may also contact customer service at 704-512-7171 to make payment.
Click on “Your Menu” and choose “Personal Information” to edit your address and/or demographic information.
The online portal shows active accounts with current outstanding balances. Balances that have been transferred to AccessOne, collection agency, liability, etc. will not appear on MyAtriumHealth.
You can request an itemized bill through MyAtriumHealth, automated phone system or by contacting Customer Service at 704-512-7171.
If you have multiple accounts and you provide the Responsible Person Number, the payment will be applied to the oldest self-pay balance. If you provide an account number for a specific date of service from the detailed account section(s), the payment will be applied to that account number provided.
These claims are submitted to the insurance company on a monthly basis. Each visit during the month will be on the claim and billed to the insurance company. You will not receive a statement until the insurance company has processed the claim and the balance is patient responsibility.
Partial payments do not prevent an account from going to collections. Payment plans must be established prior to going to collections.
You may pay the balance in full or contact AccessOne at 888-458-6272 to establish a formal payment plan.
Atrium Health will send you four (4) statements before the account will be referred to the collection agency.
Co-insurance: A percentage of your medical bill that is shared by you and your insurance company after your deductible has been met.
Copay: A predetermined fee you pay for health care services in addition to what’s covered by insurance. Not every type of health insurance plan requires a copay.
Deductible: The amount you have to spend on your medical care each year before your health insurance plan starts helping you pay.
Health Insurance Marketplace: The Health Insurance Marketplace is a resource for individuals and families to shop for and enroll in a health insurance plan. It also provides information on programs that can help people pay for coverage.
Network: A group of doctors and hospitals that participate in the same health insurance plan. You pay lower out-of-pocket costs if you go to doctors and hospitals that belong to your plan’s network.
In-network: Health care providers who have contracted with your insurance company to accept certain negotiated (i.e., discounted) rates.
Out-of-network: Health care providers who have NOT agreed to the discounted rates.
Open Enrollment: The period of time that qualified individuals can sign up for a health insurance plan or switch to a new plan.
Out-of-pocket Costs: Your total expenses for medical care that are not paid by your health insurance plan.
Policy: The contract between you and your insurance company that provides specific coverage details for the health plan you selected.
Premium: The amount you pay each month to keep your health insurance plan active.
Uninsured: You are not covered by health insurance and your medical bills will be your financial responsibility.
Responsible Person Number: The number that shows your overall balance for each account/visit that is patient responsibility. This number is located on the top right portion of your statement and under the Overview section in MyAtriumHealth.
Account Number: Specific date of service or visit; there are many account numbers under one Responsible Person Number. This number is located on the detail portion of the statement and under the Detail tab in MyAtriumHealth.
Explanation of Benefits (EOB): A statement from the health insurance company explaining what medical treatments and/or services were paid for on their behalf to include any patient responsibility.
Hardship Discount: A discount program for insured patients or uninsured patients who are over the income limit for Financial Assistance.