Atrium Health strives to provide financial assistance based on a patient’s ability to pay while modeling the Atrium Health core value of “Caring”.
The financial assistance programs are designed to ensure assistance is provided to patients demonstrating a financial need and to ensure Atrium Health complies with any required Federal or State regulations related to financial assistance. Those eligible for financial assistance will never be billed more than the amounts generally billed (AGB) to an insured patient. Atrium Health uses the look-back method to calculate AGB. For more information on the calculation for AGB, contact Patient Customer Service at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536.
Download information about our patient billing and financial assistance programs.
Our Financial Assistance program is for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Alabama residents who have received services at Atrium Health and demonstrate a financial need.
Learn more and applyAbout the program
Our Financial Assistance program is for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Alabama residents who have received services at Atrium Health and demonstrate a financial need.
Eligibility for financial assistance is based on a patient’s household income as compared to federal poverty guidelines (FPG).
Interest free payment options are available to assist patients in paying their remaining balance.
Uninsured Patients
When uninsured patients are admitted to the hospital or receive outpatient services resulting in a large balance, our Financial Counselors will assist them through the process of determining eligibility and applying for other coverage sources. If patients fully cooperate through this process and no source of coverage is available, they will be evaluated for financial assistance.
How to apply:
Patients can apply online through the application portal or by downloading an application and mailing it to Atrium Health Coverage Assistance Services:
Atrium Health Business OfficeContact Patient Customer Service at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536 to receive an application by mail or obtain an application in person in the hospital facility’s admitting office.
Our Financial Assistance policy and documents are available on the Atrium Health website here. Copies are available, free of charge, in person, in the hospital admitting offices or by mail by calling Patient Customer Service at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536.
FAS is an automatic process of reviewing outpatient services for financial assistance without patients needing to complete an application. FAS is for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Alabama residents who are uninsured and received hospital outpatient or medical group services.
About the program
The Financial Assistance Scoring (FAS) program is for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Alabama residents who are uninsured and received hospital outpatient or medical group services.
FAS is designed to automatically review lower balance outpatient accounts for Financial Assistance without patients needing to complete an application. Eligibility is based on scoring from a third-party vendor that indicates the likelihood a patient lives in poverty.
Accounts that qualify through FAS will receive 100% Financial Assistance and the patient will not receive a bill. Accounts evaluated through FAS may be reviewed for Medicaid or other coverage opportunities prior to extending Financial Assistance.
For hospital outpatient accounts that don’t qualify through FAS, patients will receive a letter indicating that their account was found ineligible and have the option to complete an application for Financial Assistance (see below on how to apply).
How to apply:
Patients can apply online through the application portal or by downloading an application and mailing it to Atrium Health Coverage Assistance Services:
Atrium Health Business OfficeContact Patient Customer Service at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536 to receive an application by mail or obtain an application in person in the hospital facility’s admitting office.
Our Financial Assistance policy and documents are available on the Atrium Health website. Copies are available, free of charge, in person, in the hospital admitting offices or by mail by calling Patient Customer Service at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536.
It is the policy of Atrium Health that NHSC-approved sites are to provide essential services regardless of the patient's ability to pay. Discounts are offered based on family size and annual income and are available for those that qualify.
This program is designed to assist North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Alabama residents who have had a catastrophic medical event resulting in large medical bills and are not eligible for financial assistance based on their income.
Eligibility is based on patients requesting a review and a determination of financial need. Financial need is determined by comparing a patient’s total household income to the total remaining balance:
To be eligible for a hardship discount, the patient’s total remaining balance must be greater than 10% of the patient’s total household income.
Atrium Health Hardship Discount Application
* Patients seeking a hardship discount should inquire about this program by calling the customer service department at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536 after receiving their first statement.
Uninsured patients will receive a 50% discount off gross charges on all medically necessary services.
The uninsured discount is applied automatically, and no action is needed by the patient to receive this discount. This program is available to all uninsured patients.
For questions about Atrium Health's uninsured discount program, please call Patient Customer Service at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536.
North Carolina Residents Only
As part of our deep commitment to the communities we serve, our policies are aligned with the North Carolina Debt Mitigation initiative, aimed at preventing the accumulation of medical debt. For more information, please see the Atrium Health NC Hospital Medical Debt Mitigation Policy (MDMP) below.
In 1986, Congress enacted legislation to ensure that all members of the public have access to emergency treatment, regardless of ability to pay. This legislation, known as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (or EMTALA), imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services. These obligations include medical screening, assistance with labor and delivery, and medical transfer as needed.
Read the complete text of Atrium Health's CMC EMTALA Policy ( PDF ).