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Atrium Health has a deep commitment to the communities we serve. Likewise, The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) builds healthy communities by supporting qualified health care providers dedicated to working in areas of the United States with limited access to care. The NHSC approves sites that provide outpatient, primary health services to areas that are experiencing health professional shortages. Our Community Sliding Fee Discount Program is available at clinic locations that align with these core values of Atrium Health and the NHSC.

All Atrium Health locations have access to the FAS and Financial Assistance programs which offer charity care above and beyond what is required by the NHSC. However, clinic locations also offer the program in a sliding scale format to ensure there is no confusion about Atrium Health’s commitment to care in these underserved communities.

Sliding Fee Schedule

Patients with incomes at or below 300% of poverty will receive a full 100% discount for health care services. Those with incomes above 300% of poverty, but at or below 400% of poverty, will qualify for a partial discount.

Poverty Level 100% 110% 120% 130% 140% 150% 160% 170% 180% 190% 200% 300%
Family Size Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100% Discount 100%
1 $15,650 $17,215 $18,780 $20,345 $21,910 $23,475 $25,040 $26,605 $28,170 $29,735 $31,300 $46,950
2 $21,150 $23,265 $25,380 $27,495 $29,610 $31,725 $33,840 $35,955 $38,070 $40,185 $42,300 $63,450
3 $26,650 $29,315 $31,980 $34,645 $37,310 $39,975 $42,640 $45,305 $47,970 $50,635 $53,300 $79,950
4 $32,150 $35,365 $38,580 $41,795 $45,010 $48,225 $51,440 $54,655 $57,870 $61,085 $64,300 $96,450
5 $37,650 $41,415 $45,180 $48,945 $52,710 $56,475 $60,240 $64,005 $67,770 $71,535 $75,300 $112,950
6 $43,150 $47,465 $51,780 $56,095 $60,410 $64,725 $69,040 $73,355 $77,670 $81,985 $86,300 $129,450
7 $48,650 $53,515 $58,380 $63,245 $68,110 $72,975 $77,840 $82,705 $87,570 $92,435 $97,300 $145,950
8 $54,150 $59,565 $64,980 $70,395 $75,810 $81,225 $86,640 $92,055 $97,470 $102,885 $108,300 $162,450
For each additional person, add $5,500 $6,050 $6,600 $7,150 $7,700 $8,250 $8,800 $9,350 $9,900 $10,450 $11,000 $16,500
*Based on the 2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Please note that there are separate guidelines for Alaska and Hawaii, and that the thresholds would differ for sites in those two states. Sites in Puerto Rico and other outlying jurisdictions would use the above guidelines.

How to Apply

Patients can download an application and mail it to Atrium Health Coverage Assistance Services:

Atrium Health Business Office
Attention: Coverage Assistance Services
PO Box 32861
Charlotte, NC 28232

Patients can contact Customer Service by phone at 704-512-7171 or 844-440-6536 to receive an application by mail. Patients can also obtain an application in person from the front desk at a NHSC site.

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