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At Atrium Health, we are committed to making a positive impact on our communities. Therefore, our community investments & corporate sponsorships will enable us to activate on our pledges to our patients, communities, and teammates by advancing Health Equity.

HEALTH EQUITY ASPIRATION: We will close the gap in life expectancy and increase the well-being for underserved communities.

We look to support opportunities that:

  • Foster strategic partnerships that extend our mission and vision
  • Create awareness and visibility for key issues in the areas where Atrium Health operates
  • Reach targeted audiences, influence impactful long-term outcomes and sustainable systemic change
  • Provide engagement for Atrium Health teammates in educational, leadership, and networking as opportunities are presented
  • Drive excellence, value, and growth so that Atrium Health can remain a socially focused, environmentally minded, and innovative community partner
  • Enhance our health equity strategies and directly impact Atrium Health patients

Application Process

Please review all guidelines, organization requirements, exclusions, application types and specified timeframes below. If you meet all, we invite you to submit your application.

Organization Requirements

To be eligible for sponsorship, organizations must meet the following requirements:

  1. Organization has a valid 501(c)(3) tax status. If the program is serving the community or has a charitable purpose, we also consider investments for organizations that have a valid tax status of 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6), 501(c)(10), or 501(c)(19). Eligible organizations include:
    • Local, state, or federal government agencies
    • School districts/systems or universities
    • Tribal organizations
    • Religious or faith-based programs that:
      • Are open to the public regardless of affiliations or beliefs
      • Do not advance religious doctrine or philosophy
      • Do not discriminate in employment or hiring practice
  2. Fall within the geographic areas that Atrium Health serves or areas of anticipated growth
  3. Align with our identified areas of impact listed below


Atrium Health will not contribute to:

  • Organizations that discriminate or deny service based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or source of payment
  • For-Profit Organizations
  • Individual or Team fundraising efforts, including scholarships and financial aid
  • Foundations or organizations that are designed to fund grants
  • Political campaigns, parties or causes
  • Pass-Through Funding (events/fundraising for other charities)
  • Religious organizations (churches/synagogues). Certain community impact programs supported by religious organizations may be eligible (e.g., soup kitchens, homeless shelters, job banks)
  • 501(c)(7) and 501(c)(8) Alumni, Fraternal, Sorority Organizations; 501(c)(10) organizations may be considered
  • Individual pre-K and K-12 schools (public or private); consideration may be given to specialized schools designed for social impact opportunities
  • Individual athletic events, athletic programs, or sporting events
  • Travel-related events
  • Endowments and/or Capital Campaigns
  • Labor Groups
  • Events outside of Atrium Health Service Areas
  • Events promoting alcohol or unsafe activities for anyone
  • Golf events/tournaments* – consideration given only if fundraising efforts are directly tied back to services at Atrium Health Facilities or Atrium Health service lines – Contact your relationship manager
  • Walks and/or runs* - consideration given only if fundraising efforts are directly tied back to services at Atrium Health Facilities or Atrium Health service lines – Contact your relationship manager

Application Guidelines

Atrium Health operates on 2 types of applications at the below specified timeframes. Please review carefully to determine where your request best aligns. Please note organizations can only apply once in a calendar year; please provide a full year prospectus (if applicable):

How Atrium Health defines:

  • Community Impact Investment (Grants) – for nonprofits serving our most vulnerable communities typically through programs/projects that last at least one year and provide direct measurable impact and potential positive long-term changed behaviors.
  • Corporate or Event Sponsorship – events or investments that typically provide tangible benefits back to Atrium Health (ex - tables, logos, tickets, etc.). These also typically provide programmatic support, but a significant portion is event driven.

Atrium Health’s RFPs for Impact Investments & Event Sponsorships cycles are as follows:

Corporate Sponsorship Application Cycles 

*Please note you may apply for your program or event earlier than listed above, but no less than 12 weeks prior to the start of program or event occurring.

  • Community Impact Investment Application

    Atrium Health believes our opportunity to influence our bold Health Equity aspiration begins with focus on the following areas and therefore the greatest portion of our investment & sponsorship dollars will be considered for these primary identified health equity priorities to include:

    • Access to Care
    • Social Drivers of Health
      • Affordable Housing
      • Food Security
      • Employment
    • Clinical Health Equity
      • Cardiometabolic Diseases
      • Maternal & Infant Mortality
      • Violence Driven Injuries
    • County Level Community Needs Health Assessments as warranted

    All community investment proposals must provide the following impact documentation with application:

    • Project/Program Budget
    • LOGIC Model


    *Our cycle is now closed and will reopen on November 1st. Please revisit then to complete you application based on the timeline listed above

  • Corporate or Event Sponsorship Application

    While the greatest portion of our funding will support the Health Equity priorities listed, Atrium Health will consider event/corporate sponsorship requests on a case-by-case basis. There will be an opportunity within the application to designate any portion of the funding that will directly support impact programming. Based on these details, event sponsorship support will be considered, but not guaranteed, for the following types of requests:

    • Community & Social Impact Partners supporting:
      • Access to Care
      • Employment
      • Food Security
      • Affordable Housing
    • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
      • LGBTQ Care
      • Veterans
      • Persons with disabilities
    • Economic Development including Chambers of Commerce
    • Education
    • Environmental Sustainability
    • Violence Driven Injuries


    *Our cycle is now closed and will reopen on November 1st. Please revisit then to complete you application based on the timeline listed above

If you have any questions or your program/event falls outside of the specified timeframes listed, please email AND reach out directly to your Atrium Health relationship manager for further directions. If you do not have a current relationship manager, please email all details to above email and we will assign based on your location.
