Child Health, Family Health, News | 10 years ago

Basic Lawn Mower Safety Everyone Should Know

Many people take great pride in a well-maintained lawn. For the do-it-yourselfers, it’s also a good way to work in physical activity. However, the lawn mower is one of the most dangerous tools around the home, and safety precautions need to be observed to make lawn maintenance a safe activity.

According to Brian P. Scannell, MD, pediatric orthopedic surgeon with Levine Children's Hospital, part of Atrium Health, lawnmower safety should be front and center for all parents during summer months.

“We see devastating injuries every year that are life changing for children,” says Dr. Scannell. “There are more than 20,000 injuries every year in the United States. The most common injures we see are in young children under five who wander into the yard while someone is mowing – or who are passengers on a riding lawn mower.”

According to Dr. Scannell, the majority of lawn mower injuries to children could be avoided if children under 14 were not permitted to operate or to be around a running lawn mower. He gives the following advice to families this summer:

  • Do not permit any child under 14 to operate a lawn mower.
  • Do not permit any child under 16 to operate a riding lawn mower.
  • All young children should be kept inside while lawn mowers are being operated.
  • Objects should be removed from the lawn prior to starting (eliminates or decreases risk for projectile injuries).
  • NEVER allow children to ride as passengers on riding lawn mowers.