Child Health Seth Stratton | 8 years ago

5 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe This Halloween

Costumes, candy and treats, oh my! Halloween is a fun-filled time for kids and parents alike. Make sure to follow these guidelines in order to have a safe and happy holiday.

Jason Bolden, MD, medical director of the Emergency Department at Carolinas HealthCare System SouthPark, shares five safety tips to help make this year’s festivities fun – and safe – for every trick-or-treater in your family.
  1. Make costumes safe. It’s important to make sure your child’s costume fits appropriately so they don’t trip and fall. Children should wear well-fitting masks that allow for adequate vision, because masks that don’t fit or have small eye holes put kids at risk for tripping down steps or not seeing traffic. “If accessories like a sword or stick are part of your child’s costume, make sure they aren’t too long or sharp and that they are soft and flexible,” says Dr. Bolden. “These types of accessories can be potentially dangerous to children.”
  2. Be visible. It’s a good idea to have children wear light-colored costumes and decorate their costumes and candy bags with reflective material to help make them more visible at night and easily noticeable to drivers.
  3. Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Don’t allow children to enter neighbors’ homes that you don’t know or trust. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult, and children 12 and younger should always be accompanied by an adult when out trick-or-treating.
  4. Inspect all candy and treats.  Make sure to inspect all candy and treats before eating, and examine for any potential choking hazards. “Though rare, parents should look closely to see if any wrappers have been opened or tampered with,” says Dr. Bolden. “Throw away any candy that is unwrapped, has a torn wrapper or is spoiled.” It’s also a good idea to avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.
  5. Walk safely. Always walk on sidewalks or well-lit paths whenever possible, and remember to look both ways before crossing the street. To avoid injuries, make sure to walk and not run from house to house. “And don’t forget to bring a flashlight with you while out trick-or-treating,” says Dr. Bolden. 

If your kids end up with too much candy, head to Carolinas HealthCare System SouthPark Emergency Department for our Switch-or-Treat family event on Sunday, Nov. 1 from 2 to 4 p.m.
