In the United States, 5% of people drive 50% of all healthcare spending due to chronic conditions such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes and mental disorders. This is especially concerning as, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6 out of every 10 U.S. adults have 1 chronic condition and 4 in 10 have 2 or more.
While health coaching helps employees address lifestyle behaviors, our chronic condition management program takes wellness to the next level. Through one-on-one sessions with our qualified health managers, we help employees improve their health and overall well-being.
In addition to certified health coaching skills, our managers have the ability to:
In partnership with Atrium Health, Advocate Health Solutions offers 3 core management programs to address common chronic conditions – diabetes, hypertension and tobacco cessation.
Advocate Health Solutions helps companies implement high-quality diabetes health management programs. Our diabetes program has demonstrated measurable success in reducing hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure and weight among participants. These 3 factors are vital in preventing serious diabetes complications and related hospitalizations for employees, as well as decreasing health costs for employers.
In addition, our innovative diabetes management program:
The key to our program’s success is the constant support of our health coaches. Diabetes program participants will meet with their health coach every 6 to 8 weeks. These free visits are available either in person or virtually during the regularly scheduled workday.
A condition responsible for 35 million office visits per year, hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the most common diagnoses in the United States. And despite the condition’s widespread effects, it’s often poorly controlled as many people are unaware that they have it.
We can work with your employees facing hypertension issues and help them make healthy lifestyle changes. From here, we will aid you in constructing a program to guide your employees toward healthy habits and reducing risks of hypertension.
In the U.S., tobacco use remains the largest cause of preventable disease, disability and death. A habit that threatens employees’ health and well-being, tobacco use also results in decreased employee productivity and increased absenteeism and workplace maintenance costs.
Our medically-based tobacco cessation program is designed to help employees safely wean off of tobacco. The program takes place in a group setting at the employer’s workplace. Each participant will receive 4 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy products as well as tools, tips and support from a trained tobacco relief facilitator. The facilitator will work with employees to create and follow through with a plan to quit use.
Depending on what’s best for your team, we can deliver our smoking cessation program in:
To learn more about our diabetes, hypertension and smoking cessation programs, please contact us at