Youssef Siage, MD, FACP

  • Internal Medicine
Atrium Health Primary Care Randolph Internal Medicine
3030 Randolph Road
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28211


Practicing Specialties

Internal Medicine

Clinical Interests

Cholesterol Or Lipid Disorders And ManagementChronic Disease ManagementDiabetes MellitusGeneral PhysicianHeart Disease PreventionInternal MedicinePhysical Examinations, AdultsPhysical Examinations, Older AdultsPreventive MedicinePrimary And Preventive Care, AdultsPrimary And Preventive Care, Older AdultsPrimary Care


  • Arabic
  • English
  • French


“I do my job because I believe it does make a difference. A healthy individual and a healthy society are the first steps in reaching the common good.”

Dr. Siage specializes in internal medicine, with a focus on diabetes, heart disease and lipid disorders. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the National Lipid Association and an assistant professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Siage is board certified in internal medicine and lipidology.

Dr. Siage was drawn to internal medicine because he liked being able to combine his interest in public health and his desire to treat patients as whole people.

He received his medical degree from the University of Damascus and completed his residency at West Virginia University.

Outside of work, Dr. Siage loves spending time with his wife and their two children. He also enjoys trying new food, traveling, and reading about history and spirituality.


Board Certifications

American Board of Clinical LipidologyAmerican Board of Internal Medicine


University of Damascus, 2003


West Virginia University, Internal Medicine, 2007


Accepted Insurance

Ratings and Reviews
