Dr. and Mrs. Shipp and their family have committed $250,000 to establish the John & Reba Shipp Minimally Invasive Surgery Endowment benefiting Carolinas Medical Center (CMC). John Shipp, Ph.D., a nationally known inventor, physicist, and businessman, and his wife, Reba, of Atlantic Beach, Fla., will support research efforts in
the Division of Gastrointestinal and Minimally Invasive Surgery at CMC under the oversight of B. Todd Heniford, MD. Established in 1998, this nationally recognized program brings together a variety of medical specialists dedicated to offering laparoscopic and advanced surgery options for patients with disorders of the stomach,
esophagus and other solid organs.
1. Arteburn D, Schauer DP, Wise RE, Gersin KS, Fischer DR, Selwyn CA, Erisman A, Tsevat J: Change in predicted 10 year cardiovascular risk following laparoscopic roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Obes Surg 19:184-9, 2009
2. Charles J. Dolce, MD Mark Russo, MD Jennifer E. Keller, MD Jay Buckingham, James Norton, PhD B. Todd Heniford, MD Keith S. Gersin, MD Timothy S. Kuwada, MD. Does liver appearance predict histopathologic findings: prospective analysis of routine liver biopsies during bariatric surgery. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2009 May-Jun; 5(3):323-8
3. Christmas AB, Camp SM, Barrett MC, Schmelzer TM, Norton HJ, Huynh TT, Thomason MH, Sing RF. Removal of erythropoietin from anaemia trauma practice guideline does not increase red blood cell transfusions and decreases hospital utilization costs. Injury. 2009 Jul 10. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Cobb WS, Peindl RM, Zerey M, Carbonell AM, Heniford BT: Mesh Terminology 101. Hernia. 2009 Feb; 13(1):1-6.
5.Dolce CJ, Keller JE, Walters KC, Griffin D, Norton HJ, Heniford BT, Kercher KW. Laparoscopic versus open live donor nephrectomy: outcomes analysis of 266 consecutive patients. Surg Endosc. 2009 Jul; 23(7):1564-8.
6.Fairfax LM, Christmas AB, Deaugustinis M, Gordon L, Head K, Jacobs DG, Sing RF. Has the pendulum swung too far? The impact of missed abdominal injuries in the era of nonoperative management. Am Surg. 2009 Jul; 75(7):558-63; discussion 563-4.
7.Hope W, Zerey M, Lincourt AE, Schmelzer T, Newcomb W, Paton BL, Heath JJ, Peindl RD, Norton HJ, Heniford BT, Gersin KS: A comparison of gastrojejunal anastomoses with or without buttressing in a porcine model. Surg Endosc. 2009 Apr; 23(4):800-7.
8. Hope WW, Burns JM, Newcomb WL, Heniford BT, Sing RF. Safety and efficacy of the electrothermal bipolar vessel sealer in trauma. Injury. 2009 May; 40(5):564-6.
9. Hope WW, Christmas AB, Jacobs DG, Sing RF. Definitive laparoscopic repair of penetrating injuries to the colon and small intestine: a case report. J Trauma. 2009 Mar; 66(3):931-2.
10. Hope WW, Heniford BT, Norton HJ, Lincourt AE, Teigland CM, Kercher KW. Duration and clinical significance of radiographically detected "free air" after laparoscopic nephrectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2009 Oct; 19(5):415-8.
11. Hope WW, Iannitti DA. An algorithm for managing patients who have Composix((R)) Kugel ((R)) ventral hernia mesh. Hernia. 2009 Oct; 13(5):475-9.
12. Hope WW, Schmelzer TM, Newcomb WL, Heath JJ, Lincourt AE, Norton HJ, Heniford BT, Iannitti DA. Guidelines for Power and Time Variables for Microwave Ablation in an In Vivo Porcine Kidney. J Surg Res.2009 May 15; 153(2):263-7.
13. Hubbard R, Ducey T, Kercher K, Teigland C. Re: A Retrospective Comparison of 2 Methods of Intraoperative Margin Evaluation During Partial Nephrectomy. J Urol. 2009 Sep; 182(3):1231.
14. Jacobs DG, Sarafin JL, Norton HJ, Christmas AB, Huynh T, Sing RF. Wasted hospital days impair the value of length-of-stay variables in the quality assessment of trauma care. Am Surg. 2009 Sep; 75(9):794-802; discussion 802-3.
15. Keller JE, Dolce CJ, Walters KC, Heath JJ, Peindl RD, Kercher KW, Lincourt AE, Todd Heniford B, Iannitti DA. Effect of Bacterial Exposure on Acellular Human Dermis in a Rat Ventral Hernia Model. J Surg Res. 2009 May 5. [Epub ahead of print]
16. Keller JE, Dolce JD, Heniford BT, Kercher KW: Maximizing the donor pool: Use of right kidneys and kidneys with multiple arteries for live donor transplantation. Surg Endosc. 2009 Oct; 23(10):2327-31.
17. Kohn GP, Martinie JB. Laparoscopic robot-assisted completion cholecystectomy: a report of three cases. Int J Med Robot. 2009 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]
18. Levine A, Ramos A, Escalona A, Rodriguez L, Greve JW, Janssen I, Rothstein R, Nepomnayshy D, Gersin KS, Melanson D, Lamport R, Fishman E, Malomo K, Kaplan LM, Neto MG. Radiographic appearance of endoscopic duodenal-jejunal bypass liner for treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2009 May-Jun; 5(3):371-4.
19. McClean JM, Kercher KW, Mah NA, Zerey M, Heniford BT, Irby PB, Burks RT, Weida C, Teigland CM. Strategies in the management of renal tumors amenable to partial nephrectomy. Surg Endosc. 2009; 23(9):2161-2166.
20. Newcomb WL, Hope WW, Schmelzer TM, Heath JJ, Norton HJ, Lincourt AE, Heniford BT, Iannitti DA. Comparison of blood vessel sealing among new electrosurgical and ultrasonic devices. Surg Endosc. 2009 Jan; 23(1):90-6.
21. Novitsky YW, Sechrist C, Paton B, Kercher KW, Heniford BT: Do the risks of emergent colectomy justify non-operative management strategies for recurrent diverticulitis? Am J Surg. 2009 Feb; 197(2):227-31.
22. Polhill JL, Sing RF. Traumatic tension pneumopericardium. J Trauma. 2009 Apr; 66(4):1261.
23. Rathore R, Safran H, Soares G, Dubel G, McNulty B, Ahn S, Iannitti D, Kennedy T. Phase I Study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion of Oxaliplatin in Advanced Hepatocellular Cancer: A Brown University Oncology Group Study. Am J Clin Oncol. 2009 Aug 14. [Epub ahead of print]
24. Scott PD, Harold KL, Heniford BT, Jaroszewski DE. Results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy for extreme megaesophagus: an alternative to esophagectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2009 Jun; 19(3):198-200.
25. Srikanth Padma MD, Alan M Smeltz BS, Peter M Banks MD, David A Iannitti MD and Iain H McKillop PhD. Altered AQP 9 expression and localization in Human Hepatocellular carcinoma. HPB (Oxford). 2009; 11(1):66-74.
26. Srikanth Padma MD, John B Martinie MD and David A Iannitti MD. Liver Ablation Technologies: An Overview. In Press: J Intervent Oncol 2009; (1):43-53.
27. Stefanidis D, Heniford BT. The formula for a successful laparoscopic skills curriculum. Arch Surg. 2009 Jan; 144(1):77-82; discussion 82.
28. Stefanidis D, Walters KC, Mostafavi A, Heniford BT. What is the ideal interval between training sessions during proficiency-based laparoscopic simulator training? Am J Surg. 2009 Jan; 197(1):126-9.
29. Tessier DJ, Iglesias R, Chapman WC, Kercher K, Matthews BD, Gorden DL, Brunt LM. Previously unreported high-grade complications of adrenalectomy. Surg Endosc. 2009 Jan; 23(1):97-102.
30. William W. Hope, Justin M. Burns, William L. Newcomb, B. Todd Heniford, Ronald F. Sing. Safety and efficacy of the electrothermal bipolar vessel sealer in trauma. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured. 40 (2009) 564-566.
31. Zerey M, Prabhu AS, Newcomb WL, Lincourt AE, Kercher KW, Heniford BT. Short-term outcomes after unilateral versus complete thyroidectomy for malignancy: a national perspective. Am Surg. 2009 Jan; 75(1):20-4.
1. A. S. Prabhu, P. H. Nguyen, Y. Y. Yurko, C. J. Dolce, J. E. Keller, A. E. Lincourt, K. W. Kercher, B. T. Heniford. Retrofascial Preperitoneal Mesh Repair of Ventral Hernia with Concomitant Panniculectomy is Safe and Effective. Association for Academic Surgery. Sanibel Harbour, FL, Feb 3-6, 2009
2. BN Jones, WW Hope, AE Lincourt, TK Kuwada, KW Kercher, BT Heniford. Laparoscopic Expertise Increases Hospital Volume of Surgical Therapy for Achalasia. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
3. Brad L. Demeter BS, Charles J. Dolce MD, Amy E. Lincourt PhD, H. James Norton PhD, Gamal Mostafa MD, Timothy W. Kuwada MD, Kent W. Kercher MD, B. Todd Heniford MD. Patient Perception of Risk and Compliance to Colorectal Cancer Screening. Association for Academic Surgery, Sanibel Harbour, FL, February 3-6, 2009
4. Charles J. Dolce MD, Daniel A. Griffin, B. Todd Heniford MD, Chris M. Teigland MD, Kent W. Kercher MD. Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Nephrectomy Provides Superior Outcomes Versus a Totally Laparoscopic or an Open Approach. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
5. CJ Dolce MD, J Buckingham BS, HJ Norton PhD, BT Heniford MD, KS Gersin MD, TS Kuwada MD. Preoperative Serum Markers and Comorbidities Do Not Predict Liver Pathology in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. Association for Academic Surgery, Sanibel Harbour, FL, February 3-6, 2009
6. CJ Dolce, JE Keller, KC Walters, JJ Heath, AL Lincourt, HJ Norton, KW Kercher, BT Heniford. Evaluation of Soft Tissue Attachments of Intra-abdominal Prosthetics in a Rabbit Model. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
7. CJ Dolce, JE Keller, KC Walters, WL Newcomb, AE Lincourt, BT Heniford, DA Iannitti. Talon transfascial suture device: A new device for mesh fixation for ventral hernia repair. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
8. D. Iannitti, S. Smeaton, E. Kubec, J. Martinie. Microwave hepatic tumor ablation with 915 MGZ vs. 2.45 GHZ: A case matched comparison. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
9. David Sindram MD PhD, Sri Padma MD, John B. Martinie MD, David A. Iannitti MD. Microwave ablation (MWA) of hepatocellular carcinoma using a novel 2.45 GHz ablation system. New England Surgical Society, Newport, RI, Sept 11-13, 2009
10. Drake C, Iannitti DA. Microwave antennae ablation for hepatic tumors. AANP National Conference, Denver, CO, April 21, 2009
11. Edward W Kubek MD, Michael C Meadows MD, Stephen M Smeaton MD, John B Martinie MD, David A Iannitti MD, Srikanth Padma MD. Microwave Ablation With 915 MHZ vs. 2.45 GHZ. What is the Difference? SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
12. Howley L, Swiderski D, Stefanidis D. The intern entry objective structured clinical exam: a pilot study of a system-wide formative assessment of resident needs. Marvin R. Dunn Poster Session, 2009 ACGME Annual Education Conference, Grapevine, TX, March, 2009
13. Iannitti D, Martinie J. Emerging Image Guidance Systems for HPB Surgery. AHPBA, Miami Beach, Florida March 11-15, 2009
14. J. Martinie, M. Meadows, S. Padma, S. Smeaton, D. Iannitti. Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Enucleation of a Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor and Cholecystectomy. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
15. J. Martinie, S. Smeaton, P. Nguyen, I. McKillop, D. Iannitti. Advanced Image Guidance for Ablation Probe Placement in Open Surgery. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
16. JE Keller MD; S Medda; MH Raymond; D Stefanidis MD; KW Kercher MD; and BT Heniford MD. Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair: An eight Year Experience. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
17. JE Keller, MD; CJ Dolce, MD; MJ Rosen, MD; YW Novitsky, MD; WS Cobb, MD; KW Kercher, MD; BT Heniford, MD. Combined Open And Laparoscopic Approach To Chronic Pain Following Inguinal Hernia Repair. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
18. Jennifer E Keller, A Britton Christmas, Suman Medda, B Todd Heniford, Ronald F Sing. Laparoscopic Repair of Intraperitoneal Bladder Rupture. American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, Oct 11-15, 2009
19. Jennifer E. Keller, MD; Eduardo Para-Davilla, MD; Kent W. Kercher, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, PhD; Suman Medda; Keith S. Gersin, MD; B. Todd Heniford, MD. Biologic Prostheses for Hernia Repair: Seven Years' Experience with One Hundred Eighty-Eight Cases. Southwestern Surgical Congress, San Diego, CA, March 22-25, 2009
20. Keller, Jennifer E. MD. Dolce, Charles J. MD. Walters, Kenneth C. MD. Novitsky, Yuri W. MD. Jyothinagaram S. MD. Heniford B. Todd MD. Kercher, Kent W. MD. Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Primary Hyperaldosteronsim: A Comparison of Clinical Response Based on Adrenal Pathology. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
21. Keller, Jennifer E; Dolce, Charles J; Walters, K Christian; Heath, Jessica J; Peindl, Robert D; Lincourt, Amy E; Heniford, B Todd; and Iannitti, David A Acellular Human Dermis: Histologic Evaluation of Tissue Ingrowth Following Bacterial Exposure in a Rat Ventral Hernia Model. Southwestern Surgical Congress, San Diego, CA, March 22-25, 2009
22. Keller, Jennifer E; Dolce, Charles J; Walters, K Christian; Heath, Jessica J; Peindl, Robert D; Stefanidis, Dimitrios, Iannitti, David A.; and Heniford, B Todd. Acellular Human dermis: Effects of Bacterial Exposure on Allograft integrity in a Rat Ventral Hernia Model. Association for Academic Surgery, Sanibel Harbour, FL, February 3-6, 2009
23. Kimberly McKinney, Hyunsu Choi, Gale Groseclose, Amanda Balasco, David Iannitti, John Martinie, Mark Russo, Herbert Bonkovsky, Sun-Il Hwang. Subcellular fractionation and proteomic analysis of pancreatic cancer. American Association for Cancer Research, Denver, CO, April 18-22, 2009.
24. Klima DA, Yurko Yulia, Christmas AB, Jacobs DG, Heniford BT, Sing RF. Optional vena cava filters: a comparison between general surgeons and interventional radiologists. North Carolina Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Asheville, North Carolina. July 19, 2009.
25. Medda S, Hope WW, Dolce CJ, Heniford BT. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes of Duodenal Neoplasms. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
26. Nguyen PH, Acker C, Heniford BT, Stefanidis D. Resident Skills Lab Attendance is a Better Predictor of Operative Skill in Laparoscopic Suturing Compared to Level of Training. 2009 Surgical Education Week, Salt lake City, UT, April, 2009
27. Nguyen, Phuong H, MD; Prabhu, Ajita S, MD; Yurko, Yuliya Y, MD; Acker, Christina, BS; Lincourt, Amy E, PhD; Heniford, B. Todd, MD; Stefanidis, Dimitrios, MD. What is the cost associated with the implementation of the FLS-program into a general surgery residency? SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
28. P. Nguyen, J. Martinie, A. Prabhu, T. Heniford, D. Iannitti. Hepato-Pancraetico-Biliary (HPB) Program: Impact on General Surgery Residency. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
29. PH Nguyen, C Acker, BT Heniford, D Stefanidis. Factors Influencing Skills Lab Attendance of Surgery Residents. Association for Surgical Education. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 28 - May 2, 2009
30. PH Nguyen, C Acker, BT Heniford, D Stefanidis. Factors Influencing Skills Lab Attendance of Surgery Residents. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
31. PH Nguyen, D Stefanidis, TS Kuwada, AS Prabhu, YY Yurko, AE Lincourt, BT Heniford, KS Gersin. Perioperative Differences between the LAP-BAND® and REALIZETM Bands: Initial Experience. Association for Academic Surgery, Sanibel Harbour, FL, Feb 3-6, 2009
32. PH Nguyen, JE Keller, KW Kercher, BT Heniford. Repair of Lumbar and Parailiac Hernias. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
33. PH Nguyen, JE Keller, Stefanidis D, KW Kercher, BT Heniford. Repair of Lumbar and Parailiac Hernias: Laparoscopic or Open? International Hernia Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2009
34. PH Nguyen, JJ Heath, AS Prabhu, YY Yurko, JB Martinie, DA Iannitti. Ventrio Hernia Patch: Porcine Model. International Hernia Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2009
35. PH Nguyen, T Kuwada, D Stefanidis, Prabhu A, AE Lincourt, BT Heniford, K Gersin. Reduction of Obesity Comorbidities: Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass versus Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
36. Prabhu A, Smith W, Yurko Y, Acker C, Heniford BT, Stefanidis D. Increased Stress Levels May Explain the Incomplete Transfer of Simulator-Acquired Skill to the Operating Room, NC ACS, Asheville, NC, July 17-19, 2009
37. Prabhu A, Smith W, Yurko Y, Acker C, Heniford BT, Stefanidis D. Increased Stress Levels May Explain the Incomplete Transfer of Simulator-Acquired Skill to the Operating Room. Association for Surgical Education. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 28 - May 2, 2009
38. Prabhu AS, BringmanS, Ramshaw BJ, Divilio LT, Simpkins D, RomanowskiC, Lincourt AE, Heniford BT. Preoperative Pain Does Not Predict Postoperative Pain in Inguinal and Ventral Hernia Repair. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
39. Prabhu AS, Pepper SW, Lincourt AE, Richardson S, Yurko YY, Hubbard B, Heniford BT. Water and dollars down the Drain. The Real Cost of Water Wasted During Surgical Hand Scrubbing. American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, Oct 11-15, 2009
40. Prabhu AS, Smeaton SM, Norton HJ, Lincourt AE, Rucho S, Martinie JB, Heniford BT, Iannitti DA. Establishment of a Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary (HPB) Program at a Large Volume Institution: Impact on Patient Outcome. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
41. Prabhu AS, Yurko YY, Heath JJ, Lincourt AE, Kercher KW, Heniford BT. Biologic Mesh Hernia Repair (VHR): Mesh Construction and Surface in Contact with Fascia Affect Tissue Integration, Complications, and Maximum Load. American Hernia Society / International Hernia Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2009
42. Prabhu AS, Yurko YY, Nguyen PH, Lincourt AE, Gersin KS, Norton HJ, Kercher KW, Heniford BT. Mesh Weight is a Predictor of Postoperative Discomfort After Inguinal Hernia Repair. International Hernia Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2009
43. S. Smeaton, J. Martinie, J. Heath, D. Iannitti. A novel 1.8mm transcutaneous antenna for use with a 2.45 GHZ microwave ablation system: In-vivo study in liver, kidney, and lung. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
44. S. Smeaton, P. Nguyen, J. Martinie, J. Heath, D. Iannitti. Color Doppler Ultrasound Provides Real Time Measurement of Microwave Field in Ablation Therapy. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
45. S. Smeaton, R. Washburn III, L. Harrell, C. Walters, J.Martinie, D. Iannittie. Case Report: Extremely Large Rare Biliary Cystadenocarcinoma. EHPBA, Athens, Greece, June 18-20, 2009
46. Schmelzer TM, Christmas AB, Barrett MC, Heniford BT, Sing RF. Intermittent Vancomycin Dosing vs. Continuous Infusion for Treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Trauma Patients. North Carolina Chapter of the American College of Surgeon Committee on Trauma. Asheville, North Carolina. July 17, 2009.
47. Sindram D, Prabhu AS, Padma S, Martinie JB, Iannitti DA. Incidence of Hepatic Vein Thrombus (HVT) After Microwave Ablation (MVA) of Hepatic Tumors. New England Surgical Society, Newport, RI, Sept 11-13, 2009
48. Stefanidis D, Miles W, Greene FL. Factors Influencing Residency Choice of General Surgery Applicants- How Important is the Availability of a Skills Curriculum? Surgical Education Week, Salt lake City, UT, April, 2009
49. Stefanidis D, Nguyen PH, Acker C, Heniford BT. Resident Skills Lab Attendance is a Better Predictor of Operative Skill in Laparoscopic Suturing Compared to Level of Training. 2009 Annual EAES Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, June, 2009
50. Stefanidis D, Prabhu A, Smith W, Yurko Y, Acker C, Heniford BT. Increased Stress Levels May Explain the Incomplete Transfer of Simulator-Acquired Skill to the Operating Room. ACS Educational Institute Consortium meeting, Chicago, IL, March, 2009
51. Stefanidis D, Rucho S, Quesenberry J, Kercher KW, Heniford BT. Lessons learned from a 10-year Experience with Postgraduate Courses for Surgeons. 2009 ACS Educational Institute Consortium meeting, Chicago, IL, March, 2009
52. Stefanidis D, Swiderski D, Rucho S. Preparing the future of medical resident and nurse training- A start up story. North Carolina AHEC statewide conference. Charlotte, NC, February 2009
53. Stephen M Smeaton MD, John B Martinie MD, Michael C Meadows MD, Phuong H Nguyen MD, Jessica J Heath BS, Sharif Razzaque PhD, Caroline Green, H. James Norton PhD, David A Iannitti MD, Srikanth Padma MD. Novel System Improves Accuracy of Needle Placement for Ablation Procedures. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
54. Stephen M Smeaton, MD, John B Martinie, MD, Michael C Meadows, MD, Phuong H Nguyen, MD, Jessica J Heath, B.Sc., Sharif Razzaque, PhD, Caroline Green, H James Norton, PhD, David A Iannitti, MD. Advanced Imaging Guidance System Improves Accuracy of Needle Placement for Hepatic Tumors. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
55. Stephen M Smeaton, MD, John B Martinie, MD, Michael C Meadows, MD, Phuong H Nguyen, MD, Jessica J Heath, B.Sc., Sharif Razzaque, PhD, Caroline Green, H James Norton, PhD, David A Iannitti. Advanced Imaging Guidance System Improves Accuracy of Needle Placement for Hepatic Tumors. AHPBA, Miami, FL, March 12-15, 2009
56. Stephen M Smeaton, MD, Phuong H Nguyen, MD, John B Martinie, MD, Jessica J Heath, MD, David A Iannitti. Color Doppler Ultrasound Provides Real Time Measurement of Microwave Field in Ablation Therapy. AHPBA, Miami, FL, March 12-15, 2009
57. Swiderski D, Tartt JE, Jim Jay, Wheeler DS, Stefanidis D. Is administration of the ACLS course on a high fidelity simulator superior to traditional instruction? 9th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL, January, 2009
58. Walters KC, Dolce CD, Keller JE, Lincourt AE, Norton HJ, Gersin KS, Kercher KW, Kuwada TS, Stefanidis D, Heniford BT. Cecectomy may be a superior alternative to right hemicolectomy for select benign cecal polyps. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
59. Walters KC, Mostafa G, Tweddale CC, Watterworth BS, Norton HJ, Kercher KW, Heniford BT: Outcomes of abdominal surgery in octogenarians. Association for Academic Surgery, Sanibel Harbour, FL, February 3-6, 2009
60. Walters KC, Paton BL, Norton HJ, Lincourt AE, Kercher KW, Heniford BT: Appendiceal adenocarcinoma in the United States - Are the current AJCC classifications correct? American College of Surgeons. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
61. WW Hope, BT Heniford, KW Kercher. Laparoscopic Parastomal Hernia Repair. Southeastern Surical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009
62. Y. Yurko, D. Stefanidis, A. E. Lincourt, G. Mostafa, K. W. Kercher, B. T. Henifrord. Review of Growth and Clinical Outcomes of Laparoscopic and OpenColectomy Performed at a Regional Academic Institution. Association for Academic Surgery. Sanibel Harbour, FL, Feb 3-6, 2009
63. Yurko YY, Christmas AB, Evans SL, Heniford BT, Sing RF. Academic Submissions: Optional Vena Cava Filters A comparison between general surgeons and interventional radiologists. Southwestern Surgical Congress, San Diego, CA, March 22-25, 2009
64. Yurko YY, Kercher KW, Rucho S, Prabhu AS, Lincourt AE, Getz SB, Heniford BT. Establishment of a Comprehensive Hernia Center: Benefits to the Community and the Parent Institution. American Hernia Society / International Hernia Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2009
65. Yurko YY, Prabhu AS, Nguyen PH, Lincourt AE, Mostafa G, Stefanidis D, Kercher KW, Heniford BT. Application of Laparoscopic and Hand-Assisted Approach in Segmental Colectomy. SAGES, April 22-25, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
66. Yurko YY, Scerbo MW, Prabhu A, Acker C, Heniford BT, Stefanidis D. Increased Workload During Laparoscopic Simulator Training is Associated with Inferior Performance and More Errors; the Value of the NASA-TLX Tool. Association for Surgical Education, Salt Lake City, UT, April 28-May 2, 2009
67. Yurko YY, Shipp JI, Heath JJ, Lincourt AE, Satishkumar R, Vertegel AA, Heniford BT. Novel Antibacterial Peptide Coatings of Hernia Repair Implants: In-Vitro and In-Vivo Results. International Hernia Congress, Berlin, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2009
68. Yurko YY, Stefanidis D, Lincourt AE, Sing RF, Heniford BT. Low Molecular Weight Heparin Prophylaxis Does Not Affect Perioperative Venous Thromboembolism. American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, Oct 11-15, 2009
69. Yurko YY, Stefanidis D, Prabhu AS, Nguyen PH, Iannitti DA, Heniford BT. Minimally Invasive Approach for the Treatment of Mid and Lower Esophageal Diverticula: A 10-year Experience. DDW/SSAT Chicago, IL, May 31-June 3, 2009
Dolce C, Keller J, Walters KC, Lincourt AE, Norton HJ, Kercher KW, Heniford BT: Evaluation of soft tissue attachments of intra-abdominal prosthetics in a rabbit model. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA, February 7-10, 2009. Gold Medal Award Winner - 2009
Jennifer E. Keller, MD; Eduardo Para-Davilla, MD; Kent W. Kercher, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, PhD; Suman Medda; Keith S. Gersin, MD; B. Todd Heniford, MD. Biologic Prostheses for Hernia Repair: Seven Years' Experience with One Hundred Eighty-Eight Cases. Southwestern Surgical Congress, San Diego, CA, March 22-25, 2009 - Southwestern Surgical Congress Best Resident Paper Award - 2009
Prabhu AS, Smith W, Yurko Y, Acker C, Stefanidis D. Increased Stress Levels May Explain the Incomplete Transfer of Simulator-Acquired Skill to the Operating Room. NC/SC American College of Surgeons Meeting, July 17-19, 2009, Asheville, NC -
Third place award for resident/fellow oral presentation - 2009
Schmelzer TM, Barrett C, Christmas AB, Norton HJ, Heniford BT, Sing RF: Vancomycin intermittent dosing versus continuous infusion for treatment of ventilator associated pneumonia in trauma patients. North Carolina Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. July, 2009. First place Research Award - 2009