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Levine Cancer Institute

Earle F. Burgess, MD


Earle F. Burgess


Michael R. Grunwald, MD


Dr. Grunwald is board certified in internal medicine, hematology and medical oncology. He specializes in hematology-oncology (cancer and blood disorders).

He has clinical interests in acute and chronic le ...

Michael R. Grunwald


Dr. Grunwald is board certified in internal medicine, hematology and medical oncology. He specializes in hematology-oncology (cancer and blood disorders).

He has clinical interests in acute and chronic le ...

Kathryn F. Mileham, MD, FACP


“I enjoy empowering patients, families and colleagues through education about lung cancer.”

Dr. Mileham treats all types of cancer and holds a special interest in lung cancer. She serves as the chief of t ...

Kathryn F. Mileham


“I enjoy empowering patients, families and colleagues through education about lung cancer.”

Dr. Mileham treats all types of cancer and holds a special interest in lung cancer. She serves as the chief of t ...

Mohamed E. Salem, MD


“Cancer treatment can be like a puzzle, trying to fit the pieces together for a successful outcome. Many patients come to me with complex diagnoses. My job is to personalize the treatment and care I provide, ac ...

Mohamed E. Salem


“Cancer treatment can be like a puzzle, trying to fit the pieces together for a successful outcome. Many patients come to me with complex diagnoses. My job is to personalize the treatment and care I provide, ac ...

Ashley L. Sumrall, MD


Ashley L. Sumrall


Antoinette Tan, MD, MHS


Clinical Expertise: novel targets in the treatment of breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, drug development

Antoinette R. Tan, MD, MHSc, is the Chief of Breast Medical Oncology and Co-Director ...

Antoinette Tan


Clinical Expertise: novel targets in the treatment of breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, drug development

Antoinette R. Tan, MD, MHSc, is the Chief of Breast Medical Oncology and Co-Director ...

Thomas Declan Walsh, MD


Thomas Declan Walsh


Mellisa Wheeler, MHA

Director of Disparities and Outreach Program Levine Cancer Institute
Mellisa Wheeler, MHA has over 20 years of experience in health care with a specialized focus in oncology. Mellisa is the Director of the Disparities & Outreach program at Levine Cancer Institu ...

Mellisa Wheeler

Director of Disparities and Outreach Program Levine Cancer Institute
Mellisa Wheeler, MHA has over 20 years of experience in health care with a specialized focus in oncology. Mellisa is the Director of the Disparities & Outreach program at Levine Cancer Institu ...

Richard Eric White, MD


Richard Eric White


Levine Children's

Henry Stacy Nicholson, MD


Henry Stacy Nicholson


Andrew Christopher Herman, MD


“The practice of neonatology is a privilege and an honor. The relationship we develop with the families of our patients is among the most intimate of any specialty. We serve as a baby's doctor as well as a coun ...

Andrew Christopher Herman


“The practice of neonatology is a privilege and an honor. The relationship we develop with the families of our patients is among the most intimate of any specialty. We serve as a baby's doctor as well as a coun ...

Callie Dobbins

Vice President and Facility Executive of Levine Children's Hospital and Jeff Gordon Children's Center

Callie Dobbins, RN, MSN, works alongside physicians and other clinicians to ensure that Levine Children’s Hospital is providing world-class pediatric healthcare. She’s always workin ...

Callie Dobbins

Vice President and Facility Executive of Levine Children's Hospital and Jeff Gordon Children's Center

Callie Dobbins, RN, MSN, works alongside physicians and other clinicians to ensure that Levine Children’s Hospital is providing world-class pediatric healthcare. She’s always workin ...

Amina Ahmed, MD


“I always knew I wanted to work with children. My mentor in medical school and residency told me to choose a subspecialty that I liked to read about, and that was infectious diseases. I also chose infectious di ...

Amina Ahmed


“I always knew I wanted to work with children. My mentor in medical school and residency told me to choose a subspecialty that I liked to read about, and that was infectious diseases. I also chose infectious di ...

Dwight Merritt Bailey, DO


“The opportunity and ability to treat neonates, children and adolescents with life-threatening diseases, as well as the families that love and care for them, is an honor and a privilege.” 

Dr. Bailey ...

Dwight Merritt Bailey


“The opportunity and ability to treat neonates, children and adolescents with life-threatening diseases, as well as the families that love and care for them, is an honor and a privilege.” 

Dr. Bailey ...

Daniel J. Bonthius, MD


“As a child neurologist, I work to alleviate suffering by making the right diagnosis, treating with the right medications, and offering support and empathy to patients and their families.”

Dr. Bonthius i ...

Daniel J. Bonthius


“As a child neurologist, I work to alleviate suffering by making the right diagnosis, treating with the right medications, and offering support and empathy to patients and their families.”

Dr. Bonthius i ...

Nicole Brockway, MD


"I am grateful to serve the families in our community who work hard each day to care for their children with medical needs. I am constantly inspired by my patients who have the resilience to enjoy their childho ...

Nicole Brockway


"I am grateful to serve the families in our community who work hard each day to care for their children with medical needs. I am constantly inspired by my patients who have the resilience to enjoy their childho ...

David G. Fisher, MD


David G. Fisher


Susan Foster Massengill, MD


“I love my job as much today as I did in the beginning of my career. I find such reward in the relationships with patients and families that occur over the course of treating a chronic illness. I strive to help ...

Susan Foster Massengill


“I love my job as much today as I did in the beginning of my career. I find such reward in the relationships with patients and families that occur over the course of treating a chronic illness. I strive to help ...

Thomas S. Maxey, MD


“I am extremely fortunate to offer children and their families the most advanced surgical options available. My goal is to give every child with congenital heart disease an opportunity to live a fulfilling life ...

Thomas S. Maxey


“I am extremely fortunate to offer children and their families the most advanced surgical options available. My goal is to give every child with congenital heart disease an opportunity to live a fulfilling life ...

Lyn Nuse, MD


“To care for a child and their family as they grow is a treasured gift. There’s nothing better than seeing a child smile or hearing their laugh.”

Dr. Nuse specializes in providing care for children, from ...

Lyn Nuse


“To care for a child and their family as they grow is a treasured gift. There’s nothing better than seeing a child smile or hearing their laugh.”

Dr. Nuse specializes in providing care for children, from ...

Javier Eugenio Oesterheld, MD


“My philosophy is that no child should have to leave their support system. This drives me to offer everything available in the country to our patients.”

Dr. Oesterheld is board certified in pediatric  ...

Javier Eugenio Oesterheld


“My philosophy is that no child should have to leave their support system. This drives me to offer everything available in the country to our patients.”

Dr. Oesterheld is board certified in pediatric  ...

Victor M. Pineiro-Carrero, MD


“My goal is to do my best every day to help infants and children grow to their maximum potential.”

Dr. Pineiro is board certified in pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. He specializes in inflammator ...

Victor M. Pineiro-Carrero


“My goal is to do my best every day to help infants and children grow to their maximum potential.”

Dr. Pineiro is board certified in pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. He specializes in inflammator ...

Mary K. Rogers, MD


Mary K. Rogers


Mark A. Williams, MD


“Urology is a fascinating and complex specialty. Practicing medicine is about giving back, and working in pediatrics allows me to give back to our most vulnerable patients.”

Dr. Williams is board certifi ...

Mark A. Williams


“Urology is a fascinating and complex specialty. Practicing medicine is about giving back, and working in pediatrics allows me to give back to our most vulnerable patients.”

Dr. Williams is board certifi ...

Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute

Frank R. Arko, MD


Frank Arko, MD is currently Director, Endovascular Surgery and Co-director of the Aortic Institute at Carolinas Medical Center, Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte, NC. He received his B.S. from Te ...

Frank R. Arko


Frank Arko, MD is currently Director, Endovascular Surgery and Co-director of the Aortic Institute at Carolinas Medical Center, Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte, NC. He received his B.S. from Te ...

Sanjeev K. Gulati, MD


“My job is amazing! At Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute, our culture is patient-focused. I get to be part of a multi-disciplinary team that not only takes care of the sickest people but takes a holistic ap ...

Sanjeev K. Gulati


“My job is amazing! At Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute, our culture is patient-focused. I get to be part of a multi-disciplinary team that not only takes care of the sickest people but takes a holistic ap ...

Jeffrey A. Hagen, MD


Jeffrey A. Hagen


Paul M. Kirshbom, MD


“I find it incredibly satisfying to see critically-ill babies recover from complex procedures and then go on to lead normal lives.” 

Dr. Kirshbom is board certified in general, thoracic and congenita ...

Paul M. Kirshbom


“I find it incredibly satisfying to see critically-ill babies recover from complex procedures and then go on to lead normal lives.” 

Dr. Kirshbom is board certified in general, thoracic and congenita ...

Troy Leo, MD


Troy Leo


Kevin W. Lobdell, MD


Kevin W. Lobdell


Thomas S. Maxey, MD


“I am extremely fortunate to offer children and their families the most advanced surgical options available. My goal is to give every child with congenital heart disease an opportunity to live a fulfilling life ...

Thomas S. Maxey


“I am extremely fortunate to offer children and their families the most advanced surgical options available. My goal is to give every child with congenital heart disease an opportunity to live a fulfilling life ...

Joseph D. Mishkin, MD


Dr. Mishkin is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and advanced heart failure and transplantation. He specializes in cardiogenic shock (when the heart suddenly can't pump enough blood) ...

Joseph D. Mishkin


Dr. Mishkin is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and advanced heart failure and transplantation. He specializes in cardiogenic shock (when the heart suddenly can't pump enough blood) ...

Erin H. Murphy, MD


Erin H. Murphy


Brian D. Powell, MD

  • Alpha Omega Alpha
  • Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
  • Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society
  • Mayo Clinic Attitude, Commitment and Excellence Award
  • Cardiovascular Fellow ...

Brian D. Powell

  • Alpha Omega Alpha
  • Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
  • Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society
  • Mayo Clinic Attitude, Commitment and Excellence Award
  • Cardiovascular Fellow ...

Dermot M. Phelan, MD, PhD


Dr. Phelan is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology. He has clinical interests in sports cardiology, advanced cardiovascular imaging and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

He specializes in the ca ...

Dermot M. Phelan


Dr. Phelan is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology. He has clinical interests in sports cardiology, advanced cardiovascular imaging and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

He specializes in the ca ...

Geoffrey Andrew Rose, MD


Dr. Rose is board certified in cardiovascular disease and echocardiography. His clinical interests include adult clinical cardiology, valvular heart disease and cardiovascular imaging.

He is president of ...

Geoffrey Andrew Rose


Dr. Rose is board certified in cardiovascular disease and echocardiography. His clinical interests include adult clinical cardiology, valvular heart disease and cardiovascular imaging.

He is president of ...

Jonathan G. Schwartz, MD


Jonathan G. Schwartz


B. Hadley Wilson, MD


Dr. Wilson is board certified in interventional cardiology. His clinical interests include angina and chest pain, coronary stents and acute myocardial infarction.

Dr. Wilson is executive vice chair of Atr ...

B. Hadley Wilson


Dr. Wilson is board certified in interventional cardiology. His clinical interests include angina and chest pain, coronary stents and acute myocardial infarction.

Dr. Wilson is executive vice chair of Atr ...

Neurosciences Institute

Anthony Lawrence Asher, MD, FACS


Dr. Anthony “Tony” Asher is president of the Atrium Health Neuroscience Institute. He serves as vice dean for neurosciences and professor of neurological surgery at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and ...

Anthony Lawrence Asher


Dr. Anthony “Tony” Asher is president of the Atrium Health Neuroscience Institute. He serves as vice dean for neurosciences and professor of neurological surgery at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and ...

Andrew W. Asimos, MD


Andrew W. Asimos


Joe David Bernard, MD


Dr. Bernard is featured in the video, Ask the Expert: Aneurysms.

Joe David Bernard


Dr. Bernard is featured in the video, Ask the Expert: Aneurysms.

Jeffrey Bodle, MD

Neurologist, Neurohospitalist
Jeffrey Bodle, MD, is a neurologist/neurohospitalist at Carolinas HealthCare System-NorthEast with Atrium Health. He is the stroke medical director at CHS-NorthEast in Concord and CHS-Stanly in Al ...

Jeffrey Bodle

Neurologist, Neurohospitalist
Jeffrey Bodle, MD, is a neurologist/neurohospitalist at Carolinas HealthCare System-NorthEast with Atrium Health. He is the stroke medical director at CHS-NorthEast in Concord and CHS-Stanly in Al ...

Robert David Mitchell, MD


Robert David Mitchell


Musculoskeletal Institute

Claude T. Moorman, MD


Claude T. Moorman


Joseph Robert Hsu, MD


Joseph Robert Hsu


Joshua Charles Patt, MD, MPH, FAOA


Joshua Charles Patt


Rachel B. Seymour

Professor and Vice Chair for Research

Rachel B. Seymour, PhD, is the Professor and Vice Chair for Research for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and the Atrium Health Musculoskeletal Institute. Dr. Seymour has over 20 years of ...

Rachel B. Seymour

Professor and Vice Chair for Research

Rachel B. Seymour, PhD, is the Professor and Vice Chair for Research for the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and the Atrium Health Musculoskeletal Institute. Dr. Seymour has over 20 years of ...

Community Health

Kinneil Coltman

Senior Vice President, Chief Community & Social Impact Officer

Kinneil Coltman,  is senior vice president and chief community & social impact officer for Atrium Health, one of the most comprehensive and highly integrated not-for-profit healthcare ...

Kinneil Coltman

Senior Vice President, Chief Community & Social Impact Officer

Kinneil Coltman,  is senior vice president and chief community & social impact officer for Atrium Health, one of the most comprehensive and highly integrated not-for-profit healthcare ...

Infectious Disease Prevention

Lindsay S. Davidson, NP

Nurse Practitioner

Lindsay S. Davidson

Nurse Practitioner

Katie Passaretti, MD

Vice President and Enterprise Chief Epidemiologist
Katie Passaretti, MD, is vice president and enterprise chief epidemiologist at Atrium Health. Dr. Passaretti is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. She is a member of the ...

Katie Passaretti

Vice President and Enterprise Chief Epidemiologist
Katie Passaretti, MD, is vice president and enterprise chief epidemiologist at Atrium Health. Dr. Passaretti is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. She is a member of the ...

Medical Group Division

Christopher M. Branner, MD


“From my personal experience as a pediatric patient with a significant medical history, I was drawn to work with sick and hurt children as a career. I try to treat each child as if they were my own.”

Dr. ...

Christopher M. Branner


“From my personal experience as a pediatric patient with a significant medical history, I was drawn to work with sick and hurt children as a career. I try to treat each child as if they were my own.”

Dr. ...

Suzanna J. Fox, MD


Dr. Fox has worked at Atrium Health Women's Care Eastover University OB/GYN since 1995.

Suzanna J. Fox


Dr. Fox has worked at Atrium Health Women's Care Eastover University OB/GYN since 1995.

Chris Griggs, MD

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Chris Griggs', MD, specialties include emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine and appropriate utilization. His current research focuses on the use of prescription monitoring programs in ...

Chris Griggs

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Chris Griggs', MD, specialties include emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine and appropriate utilization. His current research focuses on the use of prescription monitoring programs in ...

Al D. Hudson, MD


“My goal is to make a difference in the lives and health of patients I serve.”

Dr. Hudson is board certified in internal medicine. He is the president of the Charlotte Medical Clinic, the chair of the Atr ...

Al D. Hudson


“My goal is to make a difference in the lives and health of patients I serve.”

Dr. Hudson is board certified in internal medicine. He is the president of the Charlotte Medical Clinic, the chair of the Atr ...

Douglas Kirsch, MD


“Sleep is just as important to health as a good diet and exercise. I enjoy guiding people to have a better night’s sleep because it can have a dramatic impact on their well-being and overall happiness.”

D ...

Douglas Kirsch


“Sleep is just as important to health as a good diet and exercise. I enjoy guiding people to have a better night’s sleep because it can have a dramatic impact on their well-being and overall happiness.”

D ...

Scott Rissmiller, MD


Scott Rissmiller


Kevin J. E. Stepp, MD, FACOG, FPMRS



“I believe all patients deserve the least invasive surgical options. I enjoy complex surgical reconstructive challenges and my practice focuses on offering less invasive options to patients.”

Kevin J. E. Stepp



“I believe all patients deserve the least invasive surgical options. I enjoy complex surgical reconstructive challenges and my practice focuses on offering less invasive options to patients.”

Carmen I. Teague, MD


“I love people. I love serving people. I love helping people. I get up every morning excited to come to work to see what opportunities I may have to bring hope and healing to patients and their families.”

Carmen I. Teague


“I love people. I love serving people. I love helping people. I get up every morning excited to come to work to see what opportunities I may have to bring hope and healing to patients and their families.”

Virtual Care

Katie Kriener, MHA

Vice President of Virtual Health
Katie Kriener, MHA, is Vice President, Virtual Health and Divisional Chief of Staff of Atrium Health’s Medical Group, a physician-led organization comprised of over 12,000 teammates and ...

Katie Kriener

Vice President of Virtual Health
Katie Kriener, MHA, is Vice President, Virtual Health and Divisional Chief of Staff of Atrium Health’s Medical Group, a physician-led organization comprised of over 12,000 teammates and ...

Guy Glorioso, MBA, MHA

Assistant Vice President, Virtual Care
Guy Glorioso is Assistant Vice President, Virtual Health of Atrium Health’s Medical Group. In his current role, Guy supports the development and execution of Atrium Health’s virtual he ...

Guy Glorioso

Assistant Vice President, Virtual Care
Guy Glorioso is Assistant Vice President, Virtual Health of Atrium Health’s Medical Group. In his current role, Guy supports the development and execution of Atrium Health’s virtual he ...