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Primary Care | 2 years ago

Do You Know Your Numbers?

Keeping track of certain health numbers can help you get healthy and stay ahead of chronic diseases. Learn which numbers to watch and why going to the doctor is so important.

Everyone is always telling you to know your numbers – but which ones should you know? And once you know your numbers, what are you supposed to do about them?

According to Dr. Stephen Nix with Atrium Health Primary Care South End Family Medicine, the most important ways to ensure a long healthy life are regular exercise, a balanced diet and to have your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol monitored regularly. If those numbers are high, you might be at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease – which is a big deal: 1 in 4 deaths in the U.S. is from heart disease.

Fortunately, there’s good news. Even if some of your numbers are higher than what is recommended, they don’t have to stay that way. “Knowing your numbers allows you to take control of your future health and see how modifying your life will help you live longer,” explains Nix.

Unlike age and genetics – which you can’t change – Nix calls things like cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure “modifiable risk factors.” This means they can potentially be improved by making simple, everyday changes to your lifestyle.

That’s reassuring, but where do you begin?

Tried and True Over Trends

There are lots of ways to keep your health in check. Health care providers like Nix work with patients every day to help them set health goals, and at the top of the list are diet and exercise.

But knowing what to eat – and when – can be difficult, especially with so many high-this, low-that fad diets out there. Nix adds, “Much of my time with patients is centered around finding the correct diet for them and helping them find exercise routines that are enjoyable and beneficial.”

Instead of turning to the latest trends, Nix helps his patients focus on adding in vegetables and lean proteins and avoiding sweetened beverages and fast, processed foods. (Yes, we know it’s not easy!)

He also encourages his patients to get the weekly recommended 150 minutes of exercise but remember it doesn’t all have to be done at once. For instance, you could go for a 30-minute walk 5 days a week or take a 50-minute cardio class 3 days a week. As Nix says, working out doesn’t have to be boring. “It can be cardio, weightlifting or even a fun exercise class!”

Going to the Doctor When You’re Healthy

You know how helpful it is to have a doctor when you’re sick. But what about when you’re well?

The truth is you can have high cholesterol and increased blood pressure without a single symptom. Scheduling an annual exam – even when you feel great – is one of the best ways to get healthy and stay ahead of chronic diseases. Plus, with this online scheduling tool, it’s easy to make appointments at a place and time that work for you, with same-day and next-day appointments available.Dr. Nix headshot.

By getting the recommended tests and screenings even just once a year, you’ll not only know your numbers, you’ll know your risks and if you have any underlying conditions.

“As a doctor, I see the importance of preventive health care every day,” says Nix. “There is overwhelming evidence that people who have primary care doctors and attend regular physicals will have healthier lives.”

Your primary care doctor is there to do more than test and diagnose, though. They’ll also help you set goals, guide you to helpful resources and connect you with the right specialty care if you need it.

We know not everyone loves going to the doctor. Even parents who always remember to schedule a yearly checkup for their kids skip out on their own doctor’s appointments. We all know going to the doctor is good for us, but it can be difficult to open up about our health and habits. It feels so personal, right?

Rest assured that your doctor’s office is a great place to be honest, without embarrassment. “I do my best to create a safe, nonjudgmental environment so people can feel comfortable sharing their concerns,” says Nix. “When you’re totally honest with your doctor, we can best help you take control of your health.”

So, what’s next? Schedule an annual exam. Learn your numbers. Get a workout buddy. Eat more veggies. And remember that even simple, everyday changes can have a huge impact on your health.

Primary care is your first step to good health. Call us 24/7 at 844-235-6997 or make an appointment online.