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There are many opportunities for students to engage in life beyond the classroom: student organizations, extracurricular activities, peer tutoring, volunteering for our days of service, or serving on a college committee. We value student input and encourage involvement.  If you are interested in learning more about our student activities, please email us.

Student Organizations

Carolinas College offers several student organizations that provide opportunities to get involved on campus.

  • Student Government Association (SGA)
    The SGA provides the primary voice for students in college decision making and coordinates college-wide activities to encourage interaction between students in different academic programs.

  • Student Ambassadors
    Ambassadors serve as college representatives at recruiting events and help new students adjust to life at CCHS

  • Student Nurses Association (SNA)
    The CCHS chapter of SNA provides opportunities for nursing and pre-nursing students to grow professionally as they explore various topics and careers in nursing. Students may also join at the state and national level which affords opportunities for scholarships, state and national conferences, and eligibility to receive student nurse publications. Visit for additional information about the National Student Nurses' Association.

  • Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
    Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that provides opportunities for the development of leadership, service, and fellowship open to students in two-year programs meeting certain academic requirements. Eligibility requirements: Enrolled in either the nursing or radiologic technology program; completed at least 12 hours at CCHS; received at least 3.5 GPA.

College Committees

To encourage engagement and broad student participation, students are invited to participate in many of the college's committees.

  • College decision-making through faculty/staff committee membership
  • Student Life Committee
  • Community involvement opportunities

Recurring Events and Activities

  • Constitution Day - In celebration of the signing of the U. S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, CCHS hosts a special event each September commemorating the event.
  • Day of Service - The first annual day of service was held in 2012 and it instantly became a part of the culture of the college. Students, teammates and others come together to serve our community. CCHS served more than 1300 hours of community service in 2013 and 2014.
  • Fall Festival - When the weather begins to change, it is time to celebrate the change of season. Every October, CCHS hosts a cookout for students and teammates with exciting games and activities in the true carnival spirit.
  • Homecoming - Even though we don't have a football team to rally around, CCHS celebrates homecoming every five years bringing alumni and friends to campus to celebrate the history of our College. Each year at the May Commencement ceremony, we host class reunions for our 50-, 60-, and 70-year graduates.
  • Spring Fling - Music, food and fun fills the air at CCHS every March as we celebrate the arrival of spring. Students and teammates enjoy a cookout and other activities in a fun-filled environment.
  • Thanksgiving Luncheon - Our longest-running and largest event, the Thanksgiving Luncheon is a part of the culture of the College. A feast of turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings is provided to students and teammates with a special treat: faculty and staff provide homemade desserts.