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Cardiovascular Imaging

Within the Felix Sabates Family Advanced Imaging Center, we integrate the latest, most innovative imaging modalities into diagnostics, treatment and follow-up, as part of our commitment to continuously improving care for every patient.

Recent Highlights

A national hub for best practices: Sanger’s facility at Atrium Health Kenilworth has been designated as Siemens showcase venue for cardiac CT and cardiac MRI. Health Care professionals from across the nation will gather here to gain insights into best practices for cardiac imaging.

Commitment to imaging quality: We added an education and quality manager to the cardiovascular imaging team. The person in this role is a nationally acclaimed, senior echocardiographer who has developed an advanced onboarding, educational and peer review system for echocardiography.


Adding a second MRI scanner: Sanger has commenced installation of a second MRI scanner designed exclusively for cardiac imaging. This state-of-the-art 3T Prisma scanner will deliver stress MR studies of exceptional quality. The scanner will be at Atrium Health Kenilworth and is scheduled to be operational in the first quarter of 2024.

Expanding our CT-first strategy: Sanger’s 8th cardiaccapable CT scanner came online at Atrium Health Cleveland in Shelby, NC in the first quarter of 2023. To further improve access to care and testing accuracy, we’re in the planning stages of installing a state-of-the-art photon counting CT at Atrium Health Kenilworth in 2024. This technology will allow a broader use of cardiac CT for patients who have been excluded in the past. This will increase cardiac service line capabilities while reducing radiation exposure.


All of Sanger’s 23 imaging labs are accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. These labs bring advanced imaging technologies to patients throughout our region.


  • Intersocietal accreditation commission accredited facility for vascular testing.

  • Intersocietal accreditation commission accredited facility for nuclear cardiology.

  • Intersocietal accreditation commission accredited facility for echocardiography.

How a CT-First Approach Improves Diagnostic Accuracy

This year, Sanger performed an analysis on our patients without known coronary artery disease (CAD) who were referred for invasive coronary angiography for suspected angina. The results revealed higher rates of revascularization (predominantly driven by coronary stent procedures) when the initial test was a coronary CTA compared to stress testing or no lead in testing. Put simply, fewer patients underwent unnecessary invasive coronary angiograms with a CT-guided strategy.

Coronary CTA visualizes the presence or absence of plaques and stenoses that can’t be seen on stress tests. Our analysis validates the expectation that a CT-favored approach can improve diagnostic accuracy and management decisions for suitable patients who don’t have established CAD.

For these reasons, Sanger remains committed to improving our population’s access to cardiac CT. The yearly growth of our program and the more than 12,000 contrast cardiac CT angiographic studies performed in 2023 reflects this commitment.


Troy Leo, MD

  • Chart showing cardiac MRI scans: 1732 in 2019;  2086 in 2020;  3288 in 2021;  4830 in 2022;  4788 in 20203. Total volume. Internal Data.

  • Chart showing fractional flow reserve CT (FFRCT) scans: 571 in 2019; 763 in 2020; 1627 in 2021; 1468 in 2022; 2429 in 2023.

  • Chart showing echocardiograms (hospital and ambulatory): 86404 in 2019; 72062 in 2020; 84493 in 2021; 90114 in 2022; 97088 in 2023.

  • Chart showing cardiac CT scans (hospital and ambulatory): 5173 in 2019;  5239 in 2020;  8872 in 2021;  9464 in 2022;  12448 in 2023. Total volume. Internal data.

  • Chart showing non-invasive imaging growth: 115058 in 2019; 94945 in 2020; 111928 in 2021; e118143 in 2022; 127816 in 2023.

  • Chart showing CPET scans: 89 in 2019; 83 in 2020; 104 in 2021; 303 in 2022; 406 in 2023. Total volume. Internal data.

  • Chart showing nuclear imaging scans (hospital and ambulatory): 15351 in 2019; 11988 in 2020; 11890 in 2021; 10594 in 2022; 10628 in 2023. Total volume. Internal data.

Michael Elliott, MD

Jose Abreu, RT, MRI Supervisor/ Cardiac MR Lead

  • Medical imagery.

  • Medical imagery.

  • Medical imagery.


  • Dermot Phelan.

    Dermot M. Phelan, MD, PhD, FASE, FACC

    Medical Director, Cardiovascular Imaging

  • Dr. Scherer.

    Markus Scherer, MD

    Director, Cardiac CT

  • Elliot.

    Michael Elliott, MD

    Director, Cardiac MRI
