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Valve and Structural Heart Disease

Sanger has earned an international reputation as a leader in treating complex structural heart and valve conditions, and we’re home to some of the world’s top experts in minimally invasive procedures including TAVR and mitral TEER.

Recent Highlights

Increasing TAVR and mitral TEER volumes: Our team now performs more TAVR and mitral TEER procedures than any other center in the Carolinas, and we’re the most experienced center for tricuspid intervention.

Making LAAO available to more patients: We offer LAAO at Atrium Health Cabarrus and plan to extend this to Atrium Health Pineville, enabling more patients in our region to benefit from this procedure, closer to their homes.


We’re often the first center in our region to make new investigational devices and interventions available to patients. We offer:

Evoque TTVR: Sanger is the first and only center in the Carolinas providing transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement. This complements our transcatheter tricuspid valve edgeto-edge repair trial, which led to a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Cephea TMVR: We were one of the first five centers in the world to implant this fully transeptal delivered transcatheter mitral valve. This complements our nationallyrecognized Transcatheter Mitral Valve Program, which has nearly 20 years of experience, and the region’s highest volumes and best outcomes.

Short Cut: We’re the region’s only center offering this investigational device from PiCardia. The device splits bioprosthetic valve leaflets to reduce the risk of coronary obstruction with “valve-in-valve” therapy in patients with failed bioprosthetic valves.



  • US News and World Report: High performing hospitals for Transcatheter aortic valve replacement care, badge.


  • 422

    TAVR Procedures
    Volume from Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center and Atrium Health Cabarrus
    Internal Data, YTD August 2023 Annualized

  • 80

    Mitral and Tricuspid Valve

    Internal Data, YTD August 2023 Annualized

  • >90.0%

    Mitral Valve Acute Procedural
    Success - MR grade ≤ 2+

    TVT Registry, September 2022 - August 2023

  • 99%

    Normal Valve Function
    at 1-Year
    Post Implantation

    TVT Registry, September 2022 - August 2023

  • 0.0%

    Mitral Valve In-Hospital Mortality Rate Unadjusted Post Implantation
    50th Percentile: 0.0%
    90th Percentile: 0.0%
    TVT Registry, September 2022 - August 2023

  • 98%

    LAAO Successful Closure on Follow-Up Imaging
    LAAO Registry, September 2022 - August 2023

Drs. Schwartz, Rinaldi and Scherer

Structural Heart and Valve

  • Referrals and procedures chart showing increases, from 410 referrals and 159 procedures in 2015, to 1.730 referrals and 791 procedures in 2023. Internal data, 2015 - 2023.


  • Michael Rinaldi.

    Michael Rinaldi, MD

    Co-Director, Structural Heart Program

  • Eric Skipper.

    Eric Skipper, MD

    Co-Director, Structural Heart Program

2023 Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute Outcomes and Innovation Report
