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At Levine Children's Hospital, clinical social workers are an important part of the team treating your child. Clinical social workers specialize in helping families with the day-to-day issues that happen when a child is hospitalized, as well as the unexpected needs that may arise.

Clinical Social Workers Help By:

  • Assisting parents and their children with understanding that illness and hospitalization affects the entire family
  • Counseling families confronted with social and financial difficulties
  • Providing information and referrals to community resources for treatment and support
  • Providing crisis or grief counseling for families in crisis situations
  • Providing information on follow-up resources including Early Intervention and Child Service Coordination
  • Applying for supplemental security income for premature infants
  • Providing counseling for depression or adjustment issues
  • Talking with doctors, nurses or other medical professionals
  • Providing written educational materials
  • Providing support group information