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Since we can't personally visit all 5,000 Carolinas College of Health Sciences (and Charlotte Memorial Hospital) alumni, our annual phone-a-thon lets us connect with alumni across the country, sharing experiences across generations of students. During the phone-a-thon we update information we have on file, let you know the latest news from the College, answer questions, and seek your financial support.

When does the phone-a-thon occur?

Our annual event occurs in early spring each year, usually between late March and mid-April. It is usually three successive evenings. The times vary each year, but 6-9 p.m. (EST) is typical.

When I receive a call from the phone-a-thon, who is calling?

All calls are made by the currently enrolled CCHS students. Most are in one of our healthcare programs, and some are enrolled in Pre-Nursing or General Education, preparing to start a health care program. These are certainly not professional fund raisers! We provide a brief training session, but most are pretty nervous when they make their first few calls.

Why are you calling me?

We call to ask you for your financial support, update your records, and if you are interested, let you know about campus happenings and answer your questions. CCHS relies on alumni support to keep our tuition affordable and to provide an excellent education to our students.

Why can't you just send something in the mail?

We do send mail to our alumni, including pledge envelopes with each edition of our alumni magazine, Connections. However, one of the most cost effective and efficient ways to update your information and raise the needed funds for CCHS is through our phone-a-thon program. It is also a wonderful opportunity for students to interact with and learn from alumni.

What if I've already given?

CCHS alumni have a rich tradition of giving, often citing the desire to "pay it forward" by assisting students taking the journey they once took. This may be a memorial gift made when a classmate passes away, or a gift honoring a special classmate upon a special occasion or accomplishment. But most still wish to be called at phone-a-thon time, to ensure annual giving, or to have a chance to chat with a student. In February, we notify alumni of the dates of this year's phone-a-thon and offer the opportunity to "pre-give" if they'll be away during phone-a-thon, or simply prefer not to be called. Those who give in February or March will not be called during phone-a-thon.

How can I fulfill my pledge?

You have several options. You can make a secure gift online using the Carolinas HealthCare Foundation's website. Or, while you are speaking with a caller, you may put your pledged amount on a credit card. We can also send you a pledge card in the mail and you can return it with a personal check. If you choose to give online, please follow thes steps below:

  • After logging on to the foundation website, click on Donate Now or Ways to Help
  • Click on: Education & Research
  • Click on: Direct my gift to the program I choose
  • Click on: CCHS Advancement Fund

However and whenever you choose to contribute to the College, please know how much we appreciate your gift, and that your gift does make a difference! If you have additional questions about the annual phone-a-thon, please contact us or call Ruthie Mihal, 704-609-1542.
