Estimated Start Date: July 1
Estimated Stipend: $64,480
Required Block Learning Experiences (10)
- Orientation
- Medical Oncology Inpatient I
- Medical Oncology Inpatient II
- Inpatient BMT- Leukemia
- Inpatient BMT- Lymphoma/Myeloma
- Must choose 2 malignant hematology clinics:
o Leukemia Clinic
o Lymphoma Clinic
o Plasma Cell Disorder Clinic
- Must choose 2 of the solid tumor oncology clinics:
o Breast Oncology Clinic
o Central Nervous System/Genito-Urinary Oncology Clinics
o Cutaneous Malignancy/Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinics
o Gastrointestinal Malignancy Clinic
o Gynecologic Oncology Clinic
o Thoracic/Head and Neck Oncology Clinic
- Must choose 1 additional malignant hematology or solid tumor oncology clinic
- Precepting: scheduled as a layer-on learning experience to a clinical learning experience during the second half of the residency year
Required Longitudinal Learning Experiences (8)
The following experiences will be longitudinal and will be evaluated at least quarterly during the duration of the experience:
- Administrative Leadership Series (48 weeks; August through June)
- Investigational Drug Services (22 weeks; August through December)
- Medication Policy Management (26 weeks; start and completion are project-dependent)
- Medication Utilization Evaluation (MUE; 22 weeks; August through December)
- Operational Core (52 weeks; ~2 shifts per month)
- Pediatric Oncology Discussion Series (PODS; 26 weeks; January through June)
- Pharmacy Oncology Forum (48 weeks; August through June)
- Research Project (48 weeks; August through June)
Elective Block Learning Experiences (Choose 2)
- Infectious Diseases
- Non-Malignant Hematology
- Oncology Administration
- Palliative Medicine
- Pediatric Oncology Clinic
- Pediatric Oncology Inpatient
- Pharmacogenomics
- Specialty Pharmacy Service - Hematology/Oncology