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Outpatient Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation

Whether you’re working to improve your range of motion or your ability to talk, Carolinas Rehabilitation Huntersville is here to help you every step of the way. Our board-certified doctors, nurses and therapists specialize in innovative, personalized therapy for common to complex conditions due to injury or illness for both adults and children.

Located in Huntersville, NC, we offer a range of outpatient programs and services to help you get back to everyday activities.

Programs offered for adults

Our programs use the most advanced technology for a variety of conditions. These programs include:

At Carolinas Rehabilitation Huntersville, we provide children ages 0-17 with world-class physical, occupational and speech therapy services. Our therapists work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan for your child and help them improve in their daily life.

Services provided for children

  • Adaptive/ Medical Equipment Assessments
  • Alternative and Augmentative Communication
  • Atypical walking patterns
  • Concerns with balance or coordination
  • Concerns with executive functioning skills
  • Concerns with mobility or transfers
  • Concerns with visual-perceptual skills
  • Concerns with visual-motor skills
  • Difficulty with self-care
  • Concussion/TBI/Vestibular Management
  • Executive functioning skills
  • Feeding and swallowing
  • Fine motor delay
  • Gross motor delay
  • Handwriting difficulties
  • Hypertonia/Hypotonia
  • Motor planning difficulties
  • Muscle weakness
  • Oral Motor Concerns
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Plagiocephaly
  • Sensory processing difficulties
  • Speech and language development
  • Torticollis
Distance: 14.68 miles
Phone: 704-801-3719
Fax: 704-801-3705