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The PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at CMC is an ASHP-accredited twelve-month postgraduate training experience designed to provide residents with the skills and knowledge required to become competent pharmacy practitioners.

Estimated start date: June 16th, 2025

Application deadline: January 2, 2025

Interview Set-up: All applicants will be offered an in-person interview. Applicants may also choose a virtual interview which will be scored the same as an in-person interview.

Estimated stipend: $60,320

Positions available: 6

National Matching Service Program Code: 166613

Required Monthly Learning Experiences

Elective Monthly Learning Experiences (choose 6)

  • Orientation
  • Critical Care (must select one)
  • Medical Critical Care
  • Surgical Critical Care
  • Cardiovascular ICU
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery ICU
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Internal Medicine
  • Pharmacy Administration
  • Adult Inpatient Malignant Hematology/BMT
  • Adult Inpatient Medical Oncology
  • Adult Outpatient Malignant Hematology/BMT
  • Adult Outpatient Medical Oncology
  • Ambulatory Care
  • Behavioral Health
  • Adult General Cardiology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • General Pediatrics
  • Internal Medicine II (Precepting Focus)
  • Medication Safety
  • Neonatal ICU
  • Adult Classical Non-Malignant Hematology
  • Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Pediatric Hematology/BMT
  • Pediatric Inpatient Hematology/Oncology
  • Pediatric Outpatient Hematology/Oncology
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Pharmacogenomics, Cancer Research, and Investigational Drug Services
  • Solid Organ Transplant
  • Toxicology
  • Second rotation in selected area of choice

Required Longitudinal Learning Experiences

  • Teaching and Learning Curriculum (12 months): Designed to effectively develop teaching and precepting skills most essential to clinical pharmacy practitioners and preceptors of students and residents. The program is supported locally by the CMC PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program Teaching and Learning Subcommittee and the Charlotte Area Health and Education Center. A certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the program. Major requirements of this learning experience include:
    • Three Pharmacy Noon Conference Presentations
    • One ACPE-Accredited Seminar Presentation
    • One School of Pharmacy Lecture
    • One Center for Advanced Practice Lecture (advanced nursing practitioners) 
  • Research (12 months): Must be IRB-approved with research project results presented at the REPS regional residency research conference in the spring of the residency year. A written manuscript suitable for publication must completed and submitted by the end of the residency year. The research subcommittee provides oversight for research projects as well as coordinates the annual Research Education Series which includes lectures on study design, biostatistics, drug information, data management with REDCap, data analysis using Excel and medical writing lectures. Faculty members from High Point University provide support with study design, data management and statistics for research projects.
  • Medication Use Evaluation (6 months): Must be IRB-approved with MUE results presented via poster at ASHP Midyear Meeting or another equivalent conference. MUE results and recommendations are required to be written up and presented to the appropriate subject matter expert committees and may include a P&T meeting presentation. The research subcommittee provides oversight for MUEs.
  • Operational Core (11 months): Designed to develop skills in three core areas: operational staffing, quality improvement, and medication safety. Operational staffing will commence every third weekend following a comprehensive training period. For the quality and medication safety components, learning will occur through a variety of methods including, but not limited to: self-study, topic discussions and lectures, workshops as available, attendance at relevant hospital or health-system based committee meetings, and practice experience integrated throughout.
  • Emergency Response Longitudinal (1 month): As part of the pharmacy residency program, residents will be required to participate in the emergency code response program. The emergency response program is designed to provide pharmacy support to the code blue team during cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies. Residents will work with experienced emergency medicine pharmacists and other health care professionals to provide optimal pharmacotherapy during these critical situations. Residents will be responsible for preparing medications, monitoring drug therapy, and providing drug information. Residents will also participate in code blue debriefings and quality improvement initiatives. The emergency response program will help residents develop skills in emergency medicine, critical care, communication, teamwork, and leadership. This is a mandatory component of the pharmacy residency program and residents are expected to complete a minimum one month per year. The hours are 7 AM - 5 PM Monday through Friday and covers only the emergency department at this time and does not include all areas of the hospital. Residents will be assigned to a specific code blue pager and will respond to all code blue activations within their assigned area. Residents will be supervised by a preceptor during their emergency response shifts and will receive initial ACLS training, quarterly refreshers, along with feedback and evaluation on their performance.
  • Medication Policy Management (3 months): The purpose is to develop general knowledge of formulary processes through preparation or revision of a drug class review, monograph, treatment guideline, treatment protocol, utilization management criteria, and/or order set. Residents will be required to present the completed product to institutional stakeholders with clear evidence-based recommendations for the health system formulary; subsequently, the resident should assist with implementation of any clinical and operational steps if implementation timeline occurs within the residency year.
  • Other: All residents rotate as chief resident for 2 months.

Vacation and Leave Highlights:

  • All residents will be allowed the equivalent of 15 PTO days during the academic year and 5 business days for professional interviews.
    • Of the 15 PTO days, up to 10 may be used for personal time/vacation
  • All residents will receive 5 professional business days for interviews
  • All residents will receive 5 bereavement days if needed 
  • Residents will be assigned to work one major holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years) and one minor holiday (Memorial Day or Labor Day).
  • If the resident is not assigned to work, the following holidays may be taken off and will not count towards the 10 days of PTO
    • Thanksgiving Day
    • Christmas Day
    • New Years Day
    • Good Friday
    • Independence Day
    • Memorial Day
    • Labor Day
  • Professional meetings that residents are presenting poster abstracts or platform presentations (ASHP Midyear and REPS) are classified as additional business days and do not count towards PTO.

Residency Showcases

Carolinas Medical Center (CMC) will be participating in the following Residency Showcases for 2024:

  • SCHSP Residency Showcase: Friday, October 11 from 5 to 7 p.m. ET
  • NCAP Showcase: Saturday, November 2 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET.
  • UGA Residency Roundtable: Wednesday, November 6 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ET
  • MUSC Virtual Career Showcase: Wednesday, November 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. ET
  • SNPhA/ACCP Virtual Residency Showcase: Thursday, November 14 from 7 to 8 p.m. ET.
  • CMC Virtual Showcase: Tuesday, November 19 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. ET (click the link to sign up for a timeslot).
  • ASHP Midyear Residency Showcase: Monday, December 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. CT.

Social Media
Twitter & Instagram: @cmcpharmres
Facebook: CMC Pharmacy Residency
