Jada Fambrough
Medical College of Georgia
School of Medicine
Research Project: Comparing postoperative wound complications after unscheduled cesarean section with Aquacel Ag ressing versus standard pressure dressing in women at Atrium Health.
Why CMC?: Immediately after meeting the residents at CMC, I knew I was at home. I felt surrounded by smart, motivated people who also loved to laugh and have a good time. Our environment is one that encourages learning and questions, and it molds you into a very competent and confident OB/GYN.
Malorie Lipman
University of Florida
College of Medicine
Research Project: Sterilization methods in relation to insurance type.
Why CMC?: During my entire interview day, I was struck by how close the CMC family was. They truly valued work life balance and cared about each other.
Savannah Pena
University of Florida
College of Medicine
Research Project: Narcotic use and misuse in gynecologic oncology patients
Why CMC?: When I interviewed, I was incredibly impressed with the faculty and residents. Everyone was so driven but also valued wellness and work-life balance. Residents were well rounded and all graduated to competitive fellowships or generalist/academic positions. As someone who was unsure of what their niche in OBGYN was going to be, I needed a program that was going to prepare me to successfully pursue a fellowship or prepare me to enter into private practice as a generalist - and that is exactly what i found at CMC!
Rachel Shelley-Abrahamson
Boston University
School of Medicine
Research: Effect of Twin Birthweight Discordance on Neonatal Outcomes: Role of chorionicity and small for gestational age neonatal weight as determined by twin-specific growth nomograms.
Why CMC?: When looking at residencies, my husband wanted to move back to North Carolina. As a bi-coastal gal, I had never been to the south, but when I interviewed at CMC I knew I had found my new home. The academic rigor of the program, the incredible surgical volume, and the value placed on residents as humans by the faculty and hospital let me know CMC would provide an unparalleled training opportunity. Even more so, I was impressed by the close bond between the residents and the wonderful opportunities available in Charlotte. I feel more and more lucky every day!
Alexus Young
University of Alabama
School of Medicine
Research Project: "Coding Accuracy of Preeclampsia with Severe Features Requiring Magnesium"
Why CMC?: My husband and I (Brad - Ortho) couples matched at CMC. We both did AI's here and loved it. From the hospital, to the program, to the people, to the city, I knew CMC was for me. The residency experience here is like none other. CMC has given me amazing operative experiences and also allows me to take care of very sick OBGYN patients. When I graduate, I will be prepared to handle anything that comes at me, and that's what residency is all about. All along the way my CMC family has supported me to become the best doctor, surgeon, and mother I can be. I am very thankful to be here and wouldn't change it for the world!
Ashlee Nicole Tillery
Medical College of Georgia
School of Medicine
Research Project: Frozen transfer of single blastocyst embryos and the "Crumbling Snowball" fragmentation effect
Why CMC?: CMC is truly a resident family. One would be hard-pressed to find a closer group of not only colleagues, but also friends, at another institution. I consider myself fortunate to learn and work with such a talented group of residents and attending physicians. The surgical and critical care volume at Atrium is crucial for training, and I feel confident in my abilities to care for routine and complex obstetrical and gynecological patients following graduation. I would be remiss not to mention the Queen City - Charlotte! This city most certainly captivated our family, and we have enjoyed exploring its many sites, outdoor activities, and eateries during our time here!