Our experienced team of advanced practice providers (APPs) is a great asset to our residency program. They are well integrated into our patient care teams to help with outpatient clinics, inpatient and emergency department consultations, and rounding on patients. Their experience at CMC helps to bring new residents quickly up to speed on many of the nuances of patient care and administrative aspects of working here. Including APPs on our teams also helps our residents to understand different patient care roles and how to work most efficiently with APPs after graduating.
Glenna Fox, PA-C
Hometown: Richmond Hill, GA
Graduate Degree: Nova Southeastern University, Orlando FL
Favorite thing about Charlotte: Charlotte is a great place to settle down. It’s very clean and safe, and it is close to both the beach and the mountains!
Specialties: Orthopaedic Oncology
Jenna Garofalo, NP
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Graduate degree: Case Western Reserve University
Undergraduate degree: Michigan State
Favorite thing about Charlotte: Love spending time with my family exploring the beach and the mountains nearby. The breweries and restaurants that are popping up are a blast!
Specialties: General/Orthopaedic Trauma
Kevin Hickey, PA
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Graduate Degree: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston SC
Undergraduate Degree: University of South Carolina
Favorite thing about Charlotte: Living in Charlotte allows me to take advantage of the many outdoor activities with my dog, such as the lakes, local hikes, greenways and outdoor breweries/restaurants.
Specialties: Orthopaedic Trauma
Joanne Holzinger, NP
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Graduate Degree: UNC Charlotte
Favorite thing about Charlotte: Family and friends!
Specialties: General Orthopaedics/Bone Health
Beth O'Connell, NP
Lead Orthopaedic Trauma ACP
Hometown: Asheville, NC
Graduate Degree: UNC Charlotte
Undergraduate Degree: UNC Greensboro
Favorite thing about Charlotte: Love the constant activities and events, restaurant scene, and proximity to both mountains and the beach. Here for 15 years and love it!
Specialties: General/ Orthopaedic Trauma
Lisa York, MS, NP
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Graduate Degree: Virginia Commonwealth University
Undergraduate degree: Kinesiology from William and Mary
Favorite thing about Charlotte: The Greenways
Specialties: Orthopaedic Trauma