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The resident's working day begins by making independent rounds. Every morning, the residents meet with the faculty at morning rounds, review all patients and develop a plan of care for each patient. Between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., there are appropriate teaching conferences. At 8 a.m., our operating schedule begins.

There are five scheduled teaching conferences every week enhanced from lectures of visiting experts in the field. National and international experts complement our coursework at various intervals. The curriculum and course outline follow the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery guidelines. Our department provides residents with appropriate, unlimited research opportunities.

View sample monthly conference schedule (PDF)

Typical Course Outline
Vascular Wall
Vascular Ultrasound I-IV
Fundamentals of Radiography & Radiation Safety
Angiography Diagnostic and Interventions
Health Behaviors & Medical Management of Vascular Disease
Carotid Disease
Supra-aortic Vessels
Upper Extremity & Thoracic Outlet
Vascular Grafts
Aorto-iliac Occlusive Disease
Infra-inguinal Occlusive Disease
Evidence Based Medicine & Surgical Outcomes & Statistics I-V
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Peripheral & Visceral Aneurysm
Information Technology & Healthcare
Renal Vascular Hypertension
Visceral Ischemia
Venous Insufficiency I-III
Vascular Trauma
Acute Arterial & Graft Occlusin, Graft Infection
Graft Infection
Lymphatic Disease
Quality Initiatives
Practice Management

Two-Year Program

Team Schedule

  1. This schedule assumes that there will be two residents per year and either one or two per year thereafter. There will be some overlap in duties, and residents will have primary but not exclusive responsibility for inpatient or outpatient services. We will pair PGY-6 and PGY-7 into clinical teams with rotating general surgery residents. Research endeavors will be encouraged.

Resident 1

July 1 - Dec. 31 Jan. 1 - June 30 July 1 - Dec. 31 Jan. 1 - June 30
Inpatient Service: Surgical Unit; Intensive care; Inpatient consult
Outpatient Service: Interventional Lab; Noninvasive Lab; Outpatient consult; Radiology; Research Administrative Chief Resident-Inpatient Service: Surgical Unit; Intensive care; Inpatient consult Outpatient Service-Interventional Lab: Noninvasive Lab; Outpatient consult; Research

Resident 2

July 1 - Dec 31 Jan. 1 - June 30 July 1 - Dec. 31 Jan. 1 - June 30
Outpatient Service: Interventional Lab; Noninvasive Lab; Outpatient consult; Radiology; Research Inpatient Service: Surgical Unit -Intensive care; Inpatient consult Outpatient Service: Interventional Lab; Noninvasive Lab; Outpatient consult; Radiology; Research Administrative Chief Resident -Inpatient Service: Surgical Unit; Intensive care; Inpatient

Mission and Objectives:

  • Assess Resident Learning and Performance of the ACGME Six Core Competencies
  • Enhance Resident Education through Outcome Assessment